Libres pensées d'un mathématicien ordinaire

 2 years ago
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Libres pensées d'un mathématicien ordinaire Posts

Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot (1796 – 1932), an Évariste Galois of Physics.

Relative entropy. Let λ be a reference measure on some measurable space E. The relative entropy with respect to λ is defined for every measure μ on E with density dμ/dλ by H(μ∣λ):=∫dμdλlogdμdλdλ. If the integral is not well defined, we could simply set H(μ∣λ):=+∞.

  • An important case is when λ is a probability measure. In this case H becomes the Kullback-Leibler divergence, and the Jensen inequality for the strictly convex function u↦ulog(u) indicates then that H(μ∣λ)≥0 with equality if and only if μ=λ.
  • Another important case is when λ is the Lebesgue measure on Rn or the counting measure on a discrete set, then −H(μ∣λ) is the Boltzmann-Shannon entropy of μ. Beware that when E=Rn, this entropy takes its values in the whole (−∞,+∞) since for all positive scale factor σ>0, denoting μσ the push forward of μ by the dilation x↦σx, we have H(μσ∣λ)=H(μ∣λ)−nlogσ.

Boltzmann-Gibbs probability measures. Such a probability measure μV,β takes the form dμV,β:=e−βVZV,βdλ where V:E↦(−∞,+∞], β∈[0,+∞), and ZV,β:=∫e−βVdλ<∞ is the normalizing factor. The more β is large, the more μV,β puts its probability mass on the regions where V is low. The corresponding asymptotic analysis, known as the Laplace method, states that as β→∞ the probability measure μV,β concentrates on the minimizers of V.

The mean of V or V-moment of μV,β writes
In thermodynamics −1βlogZV,β appears as a Helmholtz free energy since it is equal to ∫VdμV,β (mean energy) minus 1β×−H(μV,β∣λ) (temperature times entropy).

When β ranges from −∞ to ∞, the V-moment of μV,β ranges from supV downto infV, and ∂β∫VdμV,β=(∫VdμV,β)2−∫V2dμV,β≤0. If λ(E)<∞ then μV,0=1λ(E)λ and its V-moment is 1λ(E)∫Vdλ.

Variational principle. Let β≥0 such that ZV,β<∞ and c:=∫VdμV,β<∞. Then, among all the probability measures μ on E with same V-moment as μV,β, the relative entropy H(μ∣λ) is minimized by the Boltzmann-Gibbs measures μV,β. In other words,min∫Vdμ=cH(μ∣λ)=H(μV,β∣λ).

Indeed we have H(μ∣λ)−H(μV,β∣λ)=∫logdμdλdλ−∫logdμV,βdλdμV,β=∫logdμdλdλ+∫(log(ZV,β)+βV)dμV,β=∫logdμdλdλ+∫(log(ZV,β)+βV)dμ=∫logdμdλdλ−∫logdμV,βdλdμ=H(μ∣μV,β)≥0 with equality if and only if μ=μV,β. The crucial point is that μ and μV,β are equal on test functions of the form a+bV where a,b are arbitrary real constants, by assumption.

  • When λ is the Lebesgue measure on Rn or the counting measure on a discrete set, we recover the usual maximum Boltzmann-Shannon entropy principe max∫Vdμ=c−H(μ∣λ)=−H(μV,β).In particular, Gaussians maximize the Boltzmann-Shannon entropy under variance constraint (take for V a quadratic form), while the uniform measures maximize the Boltzmann-Shannon entropy under support constraint (take V constant on a set of finite measure for λ, and infinity elsewere). Maximum entropy is minimum relative entropy with respect to Lebesgue or counting measure, a way to find, among the probability measures with a moment constraint, the closest to the Lebesgue or counting measure.
  • When λ is a probability measure, then we recover the fact that the Boltzmann-Gibbs measures realize the projection or least Kullback-Leibler divergence of λ on the set of probability measures with a given V-moment. This is the Csiszár I-projection.
  • There are other interesiting applications, for instance when λ is a Poisson point process.

Note. The concept of maximum entropy was studied notably by

and by Edwin Thompson Jaynes (1922 – 1998) in relation with thermodynamics, statistical physics, statistical mechanics, information theory, and Bayesian statistics. The concept of I-projection or minimum relative entropy was studied notably by Imre Csiszár (1938 – ).


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Lectures connexes.

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Statue de Gaspard Monge à Beaune
Statue of Gaspard Monge (1746 – 1818), place Monge, Beaune, Côte d’Or, France.

This post is about some aspects of transportation of measure. It is mostly inspired from the lecture notes of an advanced master course prepared few years ago in collaboration with my colleague Joseph Lehec in Université Paris-Dauphine – PSL. The objective is to reach the Caffarelli contraction theorem, one of my favourite theorems.

Pushforward or image measure. Let T:Rn→Rn and μ be a probability measure on Rn. The pushforward of μ by T is the measure ν given, for every Borel set A⊂Rn, by


In other words T(X)∼ν when X∼μ, and thus for all test function h,


The Brenier theorem. It states that if μ and ν are two probability measures on Rn with μ absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure then there exists a unique map T:Rn→Rn pushing forward μ to ν and T=∇ϕ with ϕ convex.

The uniqueness of the map T must be understood almost everywhere.

The convex function ϕ is obviously not unique but its gradient is unique.

When n=1 then T=F−1∘G where F=μ((−∞,∙]) and G=ν((−∞,∙]) are the cumulative distribution functions of μ and ν. The Brenier theorem states that in arbitrary dimension, it is still possible to pushforward using a multivariate analogue of the notion of non-decreasing function: the gradient of a convex function.

Relation to Wasserstein-Kantorovich coupling distance. If μ and ν have finite second moment and if T=∇ϕ is the Brenier map pushing forward μ to ν then


In other words the optimal coupling is deterministic: π(dx,dy)=μ(dx)δT(x)(dy).
The transport map T=∇ϕ realizes an optimal transport of μ to ν.
A key here is the Kantorovich-Rubinstein dual formulation of W2:


where the infimum runs over the set of bounded and Lipschitz f,g:Rn→R such that f(x)≤g(y)+|x−y|22. We can also take the inf-convolution f(x)=infy∈Rn(g(x)+|x−y|22).

Reverse Brenier map, Legendre transform, convex duality. If ν is absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure then ∇ϕ is invertible and (∇ϕ)−1=∇ϕ∗ is the Brenier map between ν and μ, where


is the Legendre transform of ϕ (it is the also the gradient of a convex function).

Regularity of Brenier map. The Brenier map is not always continuous. For example if μ is uniform on [0,1] and ν is uniform on [0,1/2]∪[3/2,2] then the Brenier map must be the identity on [0,1/2[ and identity plus 1 on ]1/2,1].

A correct hypothesis for the regularity of the Brenier map is convexity of the support of the target measure. Indeed, Luis Caffarelli has proved that if μ and ν are absolutely continuous, and if their supports K and L are convex, and if their densities f,g are bounded away from 0 and +∞ on K and L respectively, then the Brenier map ∇ϕ is an homeomorphism between the interior of K and that of L. Moreover if f and g are continuous then ∇ϕ is a C1 diffeomorphism.

The regularity theory of transportation of measure is a delicate subject that was explored in the recent years by a bunch of mathematicians including Alessio Figalli.

Monge-Ampère equation. When ∇ϕ is a C1 diffeomorphism, the change of variable formula y=ϕ(x) gives, for all test function h, since Jac∇ϕ=∇2ϕ (Hessian),


On the other hand, by definition of the Brenier map


Since this is valid for every test function h we obtain the following equality

g(∇ϕ(x))det(∇2ϕ(x))=f(x),     (1)

for every x in the interior of K. This is called Monge-Ampère equation. This is an important basic nonlinear equation in mathematics and physics.

From Monge-Ampère to Poisson-Langevin. When ϕ(x)=12|x|2 the Monge-Ampère simply reads g(x)=f(x). Let us consider a perturbation or linearization around this case by taking ϕ(x)=12|x|2+εψ(x)+O(ε2) and g(x)=(1+εh(x)+O(ε2))f(x), then, as ε→0, we find the Poisson equation for the Langevin operator:


In other words, this reads −(Δ−∇V⋅∇)ψ=h if we write f=e−V. In the same spirit, the Wasserstein-Kantorovich distance can be interpreted as an inverse Sobolev norm.

The Caffarelli contraction theorem. If μ=e−Vdx and ν=e−Wdx are two probability measures on Rn such that α2|⋅|2−V and W−β2|⋅|2 are convex for some constants α,β>0, then the Brenier map T=∇ϕ pushing forward μ to ν satisfies ‖T‖Lip≤√α/β.

By taking V=α2|⋅|2 we obtain that a probability measure which is log-concave with respect to a non trivial Gaussian is a Lipschitz deformation of this Gaussian!

Idea of proof. We begin with n=1. Taking the logarithm in the Monge-Ampère equation gives 12log(φ”2)=log|φ”|=−V+W(φ′), and taking the derivative twice gives


Now if φ” has a maximum at x=x∗ then φ”′(x∗)=0 and φ””(x∗)≤0, and thus


This maximum principle argument is attractive but a maximum at the boundary may produce difficulties. Let us follow now the same idea in the case n≥1. Observe first that the Lipschitz constant of ∇ϕ is the supremum of the operator norm of ∇2ϕ. So it is enough to prove ‖∇2ϕ(x)‖op≤√α/β for every x. Besides since ϕ is convex ∇2ϕ is a positive matrix so this amounts to proving that ⟨∇2ϕ(x)u,u⟩≤√α/β for every unit vector u and every x∈Rn. Now we fix a direction u and we assume that the map


attains its maximum for x=x∗. The logarithm of the Monge-Ampère equation gives


Now we differentiate this equation twice in the direction u. To differentiate the left hand side, observe that if A is an invertible matrix


We obtain (omitting variables) −tr((∇2ϕ)−1(∂u∇2ϕ)(∇2ϕ)−1(∂u∇2ϕ))+tr((∇2ϕ)−1∂uu∇2ϕ)=–∂uuV+∑i∂iW∂iuuϕ+∑ij∂ijW(∂iuϕ)(∂juϕ). We shall use this equation at x∗. We claim that


Indeed, ∇2ϕ≥0 so (∇2ϕ)−1≥0 and since ∂u∇2ϕ is symmetric, we get


Now it remains to recall that the product of two positive matrices has positive trace, namely if A and B are n×n real symmetric positive semidefinite then


Since function ℓ attains its maximum at x∗ we have ∇2ℓ(x∗)≤0. Therefore


In the same way


So at point x∗ the main identity above gives


Now the hypothesis made on V and W give ∂uuV≤α and


Since u has norm 1, we get


Therefore ℓ(x)≤√α/β for every x which is the desired inequality.

Application to functional inequalities. The Poincaré inequality for the standard Gaussian measure γn=N(0,In)=(2π)−n2e−|x|22dx on Rn states that for an arbitrary say C1 and compactly supported test function f:Rn→R,


Let μ be a probability measure on Rn, image of γn by a C1 map T:Rn→Rn. The Poincaré inequality above with f=g∘T for an arbitrary g:Rn→R gives


This is a Poincaré inequality for μ, provided that T is Lipschitz.

The Caffarelli contraction theorem states that if μ=e−Vdx with V−ρ2|⋅|2 convex for some constant ρ>0 then the map T pushing forward γn to μ satisfies ‖T‖2Lip≤1/ρ, which implies by the argument above that μ satisfies a Poincaré inequality of constant 1/ρ. The same argument works for other Sobolev type functional inequalities satisfied by the Gaussian measure, such as the logarithmic Sobolev inequality and the Bobkov isoperimetric functional inequalities. This transportation argument is a striking alternative to the Bakry-Émery curvature criterion in order to establish functional inequalities, but it does not prove the Gaussian case and does not have the extensibility of the latter to manifolds and abstract Markovian settings.

From Monge-Ampère to Gaussian log-Sobolev. Let us give a proof of the optimal logarithmic Sobolev inequality for the standard Gaussian measure γn by using directly the Monge-Ampère equation. Let f:Rn→R+ be such that ∫fdγn=1. Let T=∇ϕ be the Brenier map pushing forward fdγn to γn. We set θ(x):=ϕ(x)−12|x|2 so that ∇ϕ(x)=x+∇θ(x). We have Hess(θ)(x)+In≥0, and Monge-Ampère gives


Taking the logarithm gives


where we have used log(1+t)≤t for 1+t>0 and the eigenvalues of the positive symmetric matrix In+Hess(θ)(x). Now integration with respect to fdγn gives


Finally, using integration by parts (Δθ−x⋅∇θ is O.-U.!), we get


Recall that T=∇ϕ=x+∇θ pushes forward ν to γn, where dν=fdγn. Therefore


Beyond the log-Sobolev inequality for the Gaussian measure, it is possible to obtain by this way, from the Monge-Ampère equation, HWI (H,W,I for entropy, Wasserstein, and Fisher information) functional inequalities for strongly log-concave measures. From this point of view, optimal transportation provides a partial alternative to the Bakry-Émery criterion on Rn.

Further reading

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