The Human Body and HTML, CSS & JS

 2 years ago
source link: https://dev.to/ashwinbhatkal/the-human-body-and-html-css-js-36eh
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The Human Body and HTML, CSS & JS

Wait, what?

Yes, exactly. Hear me out.

Believe it or not, The Human Body is synonymous to any application built with HTML, CSS & JS. And here's why:

  1. HTML is synonymous to the skeletal system in our body. One HTML tag out of place and the entire system can break.

  2. CSS is synonymous to the way we appear. The muscles and fats around our bones gives a structure that everyone identifies with. Muscles are the good css and Fats are the bad css. Why? 🤣 Muscles make us look good while excess fat would make us look bad.

  3. JS is synonymous to the nervous system. It is responsible for observing the events and having callbacks for such events. Similar to the action reaction response by our nervous system.

  4. Extending it over HTML, CSS & JS. React can be considered as transplants. If you could have someone's healthy heart, assuming yours is bad, how awesome would it be. No harm intended.

I'll add to this list as I think more about it 😄

Until next time...

PS: This is light interpretation and is not meant to be taken seriously.

Feel free to post your interpretations that could be drawn from the above. Would love to read them 😁 Maybe I would update them as well 😉

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