Viva Insights November 2021 Blog

 2 years ago
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Viva Insights November 2021 Blog

Viva Insights in November 2021

Published Nov 08 2021 05:28 PM 797 Views

The Microsoft Viva Insights team is launching a new technical community and has released the following new updates:

New Microsoft Viva Insights Community

You can register now for the new Viva Insights community! We are transitioning from a Teams-based community to a web-based experience that will more effectively engage, scale, and deploy content for all our customers and partners.

This new web experience will have support and learning resources, ideas, and events for all of you who use Viva Insights. This community will connect Viva Insights experts and peers for learning and sharing information. Even though this will mostly cater to those who use Viva Insights for personal, manager, and leader insights, we also plan to host exclusive user groups for analysts, partners and business leaders.

Follow these instructions to create your community account, sign in, contribute, and learn what's new. We look forward to seeing you there!

New community welcome page with featured posts

New options for subsequent organizational uploads

In response to customer feedback, we’ve released an easier way to add, change, or remove employee data from the existing organizational data that’s used in Viva Insights. These new options save admins time by reducing what’s required in a subsequent upload of organizational data. Viva Insights admins have the following new upload options with new sample templates:

New organizational upload options in Data sources

See Subsequent uploads for more details.

Viva Insights + Qualtrics

You can now combine Microsoft Viva Insights query data about employee collaboration with Qualtrics survey data about employee engagement. This new integrated data can help your organization identify behaviors and patterns behind key metrics, such as motivation, engagement, and wellbeing. The following shows an example of how you can connect Viva Insights metrics with Qualtrics survey scores.

Qualtrics survey categories

Viva Insights metrics

Engagement: I feel motivated and supported at work

Manager 1-1 hours, Skip level meeting hours, and Internal network size

Motivation: I know what to focus on at work

Manager 1-1 hours

Wellbeing: I am able to achieve a healthy work-life balance

After-hours collaboration and Focus hours

For example, the following shows how Qualtrics survey scores for employees can be used within the Viva Insights Ways of working assessment dashboard in Power BI. You can use the report settings to filter the data to depict favorable (or unfavorable) responses and observe how collaboration patterns differ based on their wellbeing scores.

The following shows example data in How is collaboration load impacting after-hours for analyzing how your employees’ collaboration patterns are affected by after-hours work for those who had a score of 4or5for Wellbeing in their Qualtrics survey.

Example Power BI report about Weekly and after-hours collaboration

See Viva Insights and Qualtrics integration to learn how to set up and use this integration.

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‎Nov 09 2021 07:29 AM

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