How does .NET MAUI make you super productive building apps? | One Dev Question

 2 years ago
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How does .NET MAUI make you super productive building apps? | One Dev Question

Nov 6, 2021
Hey Maddy, how does .NET MAUI make me super productive building native mobile and desktop apps? Count on Maddy Montaquila to give you the details in today's video. Read the docs: https://msft.it/6011X4CGP .NET Conference 2021: https://msft.it/6018XtKoM

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MAUI is going to be a game changer, we have some tests with MAUI Blazor and it's amazing. Can't wait for it to be released next year.

2 days ago

Will live property explorer finally be working with MAUI and VS 2022? And will Style triggers finally behave deterministically in MAUI? So that we can be on par with WPF 10 years ago.

And will xaml hot Reload will finaly work like it's supposed to work, or will it be like in XF 5 (only in 10% of the cases)?

Read more 2 days ago (edited)

Ok .NET MAUI team - gather everything you got and make C# the major language for cross platform app development!!

2 days ago

Thaanks, so excited to get my app done with .NET MAUI

2 days ago

What about VB.Net development? Can any cross platform app development be done with VB?

1 day ago

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