PowerShell on Linux SKU in Azure Functions is now available in public preview

 2 years ago
source link: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/powershell-on-linux-sku-in-azure-functions-is-now-available-in-public-preview/?WT_mc_id=DOP-MVP-4025064
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  1. Updates
  2. PowerShell on Linux SKU in Azure Functions is now available in public preview

PowerShell on Linux SKU in Azure Functions is now available in public preview

Published date: November 08, 2021

Azure Functions support for PowerShell on Linux OS is now available in public preview for Consumption and Elastic Premium SKUs. You can now develop Azure Functions PowerShell apps locally and deploy them to Azure Functions on Linux OS.   

To get started with Azure Functions PowerShell, please read this article.

  • Azure Functions
  • Features

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