5 Reasons Why You Should use a DevTool

 2 years ago
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5 Reasons Why You Should use a DevTool

Nov 6, 2021 |

Michelle Pruit

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Programmers and developers are often known to work extensive hours on new builds. Whilst this is often necessary to get the job done, there are some tools that can help identify issues and help to save time. In this article we’ll take a look at what “DevTools” are and why they should be integrated.

What are DevTools?

Let’s start with defining what exactly DevTools are?

DevTools are used by developers/programmers to see where the breaks are within the code making it possible to measure performance. They have become increasingly crucial to maximize productivity within all build projects and are highly sought after.

Examples of DevTools

There are a variety of tools on the market at this time, but the widely known and used are: Integrated Debugging Environments (IDE), Build tools, Methodology Tools, Bug Trackers, Source Control, Profilers, and Testing tools such as Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment. All very useful tools and imperative in software development, even experienced programmers can attest to the importance of DevTools.

Why should you use a DevTool

But for those who are emerging into the “Minesweeper” world of coding – investing in DevTools is highly recommended! Work smart, not hard. Here are our top 5 reasons as to why you should invest in a DevTool:

1.) Usefulness of the Project

This should be a top priority! Writing code is easy, but as you build on, it gets increasingly harder to catch and identify where the breaks are coming from. If your projects are constantly draining time in fixing errors – then a devtool would alleviate the problem, but be sure when deciding that tool is right for you and your team.

2.) Integration

Implementing a devtool should be painless! Installing one should only take more than a couple minutes, not hours. Remember to do your research when shopping around for a dev tool and the ease of integrating it.

3.) Ease of Use

When it comes to learning a new 👾 language or software, there will always be learning curves. Some tools will be more complex than others, but understanding the logistics may take some time. Make sure the devtool chosen has support or proper documentation that guides you through those difficult hurdles.

4.) Spacing Needs

Some devtools work in the cloud, which is great, but others have spacing limitations. Depending on how big your team is or the caliber of the project, having maximum space is key. If you plan to build complex software, we advise spacing should be one of your deciding factors.

5.) VCS Compatibility

Version Control Systems (VCS), are the bread and butter of software development, they help track and manage any changes to a system between multiple users at the same time, which is what you want! This benefits not only the solo developers, but also a team overseeing source code files. Assembla, Bitbucket and GitHub, are just a few to name for example. To see a list of which VCS’s that are compatible and understand ease of integration, check out our Getting Started page.

So if you’re still staying up late watching the birds sleep, we suggest investing in a devtool that will help you build, test, deploy code faster…so you can sleep at night! 😴 For more information on what our product can do for you and your team, visit our Product page.

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