Microsoft Teams Close to 250 Million Monthly Active Users

 2 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/microsoft-teams-close-to-250-million-monthly-active-users-533592.shtml
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CEO Satya Nadella says Teams is the “new front end”

Microsoft Teams is a platform whose usage skyrocketed last year for a reason that simply makes sense. With the world moving to remote working due to the global pandemic, companies needed an efficient way to keep their employees productive, and for many of them, Microsoft Teams was the service of choice.

The Redmond-based software giant itself was taken by surprise by the sudden growth recorded by Teams, with the company sometimes struggling to keep its servers online given the massive usage.

Since then, however, Microsoft Teams has continued its growth, and according to CEO Satya Nadella, the service has reached impressive figures.

Nearly 250 million users connect to Microsoft Teams every month, and more and more companies make the migration to this platform for obvious reasons.

“Microsoft Teams is the new front end. It’s where people meet, chat, call, collaborate, and automate business processes – all within the flow of work. Teams usage has never been higher. We have nearly 250 million monthly active users as people use Teams each day to communicate, collaborate, and co-author content across work, life, and learning,” Nadella said in a conference call after the recent earnings release.

The growth continues

Furthermore, Microsoft’s CEO explained that Teams is growing massively in the SaaS market as well. No less than 124 organizations that have picked Microsoft Teams for their employees have more than 100,000 users on the platform, while 3,000 customers have more than 10,000 users.

“Teams is also at the center of orchestrating collaboration across the entire SaaS estate, from HR to marketing to finance. Leading third-party SaaS vendors – including Adobe, Atlassian, Salesforce, SAP, ServiceNow, and Workday – have now built apps that deeply integrate with Teams, bringing every business process and function directly into the flow of work,” Nadella explained.

Needless to say, Microsoft Teams is very likely to continue its growth, especially as the pandemic has substantially changed the way we work. And with remote working likely to remain the preferred choice for more companies, there’s no doubt Teams will see increased adoption in the short term too.

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