Apple Still the King of Tablets Way Ahead Rival Samsung

 2 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/apple-still-the-king-of-tablets-way-ahead-rival-samsung-533635.shtml
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Data shows Apple controls nearly 32% of the market

Apple’s iPad is still selling like hotcakes, and according to new data shared by research firm IDC, the Cupertino-based tech giant sold no less than 12.9 million units in the second quarter of the year.

In case you’re wondering what this means when comparing Apple’s performance with the one of its competitors, selling nearly 13 million iPads is enough for the Cupertino-based tech giant to become the leading company in terms of tablets.

Apple therefore controls 31.9 percent of the market, while runner-up Samsung currently has a market share of 19.6 percent with just 8 million tablets sold last quarter. Lenovo is third with 4.7 million sold units and 11.6 percent share.

Chromebook sales on the rise

IDC has also shared new data related to Chromebook sales, revealing that shipments are on the rise, especially in Europe and Asia.

HP is the number one Chromebook company with 4.3 million sold units and a 35 percent market share. Followed by Lenovo with 2.6 million units and 21 percent, respectively.

“For Chromebooks, while still in high demand and even on backlog for many education deals, vendors have started prioritizing higher margin Windows laptops given the on-going component shortages. For tablets some of this applies, but there is also bigger concern that consumer demand around tablets will slow much faster than Chromebooks or even the broader PC market,” IDC explains.

Samsung posted the biggest growth in the Chromebook market with an increase of 179.2 percent year over year. The company sold close to 1 million units the last quarter, enough to secure a market share of 7 percent.

IDC says sales of tablets and Chromebooks increased the last quarter, but on the other hand, both types of devices are experiencing a slowdown when compared to the previous quarters.

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