Windows 11 for Phones Looks Good, Not Going to Happen

 2 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/windows-11-for-phones-looks-good-not-going-to-happen-533578.shtml
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Concept envisions a new Windows 11 Mobile OS

Microsoft has already abandoned its very own mobile platform, as the company decided to adopt Android with the debut of the Surface Duo, so in terms of phones, Windows has absolutely no future on this front.

This is obviously bad news for Windows Phone and Windows 10 Mobile fans, but Microsoft is clearly an Android company right now, and by the looks of things, the strategy wouldn’t change anytime soon.

A new Surface Duo is already in the works, with the debut expected to take place later this year with important upgrades, include a new triple-camera configuration that will allow the device to better compete against the other flagships on the market, not only in terms of productivity capabilities but also as far as the photo quality is concerned.

But in the meantime, it doesn’t necessarily mean that Windows 10 Mobile fans stopped dreaming about the moment Microsoft would return to the mobile operating system wars and compete against Google and Apple just like it was supposed to do at one point.

Windows 11 Mobile

The arrival of Windows 11 is seen by many as the right moment for Microsoft to do this, and while the whole thing has absolutely no chance to happen, it’s still reason enough for the most talented designers out there to come up with their own concepts in this regard.

This Windows 11 Mobile concept, for example, shows what the new operating system would look like on a smartphone, and to be honest, it looks quite nice.

Everything feels modern and properly optimized for a mobile screen, just like a Windows 11 version for smartphones is supposed to feel. The concept proposed by reddit user jeffmartinjr comes with what appear to be interactive live tiles, something that Microsoft itself was believed to be working on at one point but which was eventually abandoned like the rest of the OS.

Once again, while Windows 11 could make sense for some on mobile, Microsoft has no reason to return to this market, as the company is all about Android in its mobile strategy.

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