This Is the New Paint Microsoft Might Be Working on for Windows 11

 2 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/this-is-the-new-paint-microsoft-might-be-working-on-for-windows-11-533633.shtml
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Early photo of the new Paint spotted in marketing materials

Microsoft is working on all kinds of new things for Windows 11, and as it turns out, one of the apps getting a modern redesign in this new operating system is the Paint app.

At one point supposed to be replaced by the new Paint 3D, the classic Microsoft Paint app is still there in Windows, and unsurprisingly, it’s still making the cut for Windows 11 as well.

Reddit user dieguesmosken has recently discovered marketing materials published by the official Windows account on Unsplash and which also include an early photo of what appears to be a new modern version of MS Paint that could be part of Windows 11.

As you can see in the screenshot, everything appears to be a lot more polished, therefore aligning the UI of Microsoft Paint with the one of the rest of the operating system as well. Furthermore, pen input is apparently supported as well, which makes total sense for Microsoft’s long-term strategy as well.

Windows 11 coming in October

Microsoft hasn’t provided any specific ETA for Windows 11, but the company suggested the new operating system would see daylight later this year, most likely in October.

“Windows 11 will be available through a free upgrade for eligible Windows 10 PCs and on new PCs beginning this holiday. We’re also working with our retail partners to make sure Windows 10 PCs you buy today are ready for the upgrade to Windows 11,” Microsoft said in its original Windows 11 announcement.

“The free upgrade will begin to roll out to eligible Windows 10 PCs this holiday and continuing into 2022. And next week, we’ll begin to share an early build of Windows 11 to the Windows Insider Program – this is a passionate community of Windows fans whose feedback is important to us.”

Windows 11 is already up for testing for users in the Insider program.

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