Outer Wilds – Echoes of the Eye Expansion Arrives in September

 2 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/outer-wilds-echoes-of-the-eye-expansion-arrives-in-september-533629.shtml
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It will be the first and only expansion to Outer Wilds

One of the best adventure games launched in the last few years, Outer Wilds is getting an expansion in just a couple of months, developer Mobius Games announced this week. Dubbed Echoes of the Eye, the first and only expansion for Outer Wilds is scheduled for release on September 28.

Outer Wilds offers a complete experience and doesn't let room for additional content, which raises the question of why developers chose to launch an expansion rather than focusing on a completely different project.

So, Alex Beachum, Creative Director at Mobius Games, was kind enough to shed some light on why the studio made the decision to add content to Outer Wilds:

As a relatively small and un-established studio, we needed a project to immediately follow Outer Wilds that wasn’t too big or crazy, while still allowing us to grow as developers and hopefully deliver something that would appeal to fans of Outer Wilds. Internally we had been tossing around various, more conventional, ideas for Outer Wilds DLC.”

According to developers, Echoes of the Eye has more depth than any other existing location in the solar system. It's also important to mention that the expansion coming in September resembles a microcosm of the original game as a whole, which should work well for both new and returning players.

However, Mobius Games clarified that Echoes of the Eye is in no way the base game in miniature. More importantly, the developer warned that while Outer Wilds dabbled in the horror genre featuring some light elements, the expansion leans more into the spooky side of things, although there's a “reduced frights” option for those who might find it too tense.

Echoes of the Eye is coming to PlayStation 4, PC (via Steam and the Epic Games Store), and Xbox One on September 28. The base game will also be released on the Nintendo Switch sometime this holiday.

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