Microsoft to Launch a Black Surface Duo and More People Could Get It

 3 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/microsoft-to-launch-a-black-surface-duo-and-more-people-could-get-it-531671.shtml
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Rumor has it a visual facelift for the Duo is on its way

   Microsoft Surface Duo

Microsoft launched the Surface Duo dual-screen Android device earlier this year in the United States exclusively, and now rumor has it the company is working not only to bring the phone to more countries but also to release a new color.

Leaker @cozyplanes revealed on Twitter that one of the biggest releases on the Microsoft front is the debut of a black Surface Duo, and although we still don’t know exactly when this new model is supposed to go live, it’s reportedly expected to happen “soon.”

Interestingly enough, Microsoft is already looking into the international launch of this smartphone, and this could be an indication that both the Glacier and the Black Surface Duo could eventually land in the hands of more people outside the United States.

The bad news is the black Surface Duo would come with the same specs as the Glacier sibling, which means it’ll still be powered by the same outdated Snapdragon 855 processor.

Surface Duo coming to Germany

For the time being, however, there are no details as to who gets the Surface Duo and when it happens. Previously, it’s been rumored Microsoft would evaluate an international launch of the Duo in early 2021, but now people with knowledge of the matter say a decision has already been made and Germany is the first non-U.S. country to get it.

The launch is expected to happen in the spring, and this is the time when other regions could get it, with the United Kingdom reportedly on the table for a Surface Duo launch too.

At this point, however, it’s important to keep in mind everything is still in the rumor stage, so you’d better not hold your breath for the Surface Duo to launch in another market until we hear something official on this front.

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