Samsung Starts Working on Galaxy Note21, Don’t Start the Part Just Yet

 3 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/samsung-starts-working-on-galaxy-note21-don-t-start-the-part-just-yet-531675.shtml
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New report indicates the Galaxy Note21 could still launch

   Samsung Galaxy Note20 Ultra

A new day, a new report on the Galaxy Note21, as this time it looks like the device is actually being worked on behind the closed doors at Samsung, though a final decision on whether to launch it or not hasn’t been made yet.

While the Galaxy S21 is the next big release in Samsung’s roadmap, the Galaxy Note21 makes the headlines much more often, simply because its future is pretty uncertain at this point.

But while some people say the Note21 would never see daylight, others claim it’s still coming, with Samsung still planning to release at least one more generation of the famous phablet.

And now, leaker @cozyplanes claims the Note21 is already under development, only that it hasn’t passed the stage where Samsung made a final call as to whether this model would launch or the project altogether is dead.

In other words, Samsung is indeed working on the NoteS21, but the parent company can change its mind overnight at any point during this stage, so don’t be too surprised if this smartphone gets the ax at one point.

Why Samsung wants to kill off the Note series

While for many the Galaxy Note is the only flagship that’s worth the money, Samsung is reportedly planning to kill off this series for a very simple reason: since it already shares most of the hardware with the Galaxy S21, the company just wants to bring the S Pen to the S lineup as well and then make the Note just a top-of-the-range version of this series.

In other words, everything the Note is currently able to do will become a feature of the Galaxy S Ultra, and the transition is likely to begin next year when S Pen support would be added to the Galaxy S21 Ultra.

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