Apple Forced to Offer a Charger for the iPhone 12 in Brazil

 3 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/apple-forced-to-offer-a-charger-for-the-iphone-12-in-brazil-531683.shtml
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Regulators ask Apple to prove a charger isn’t needed

   iPhone 12 design

One of the biggest changes that happened on the iPhone 12 didn’t concern the device itself but the accessories the smartphone comes with. Or better said, the accessories the smartphone no longer comes with, as Apple has pulled the charger from the box, explaining customers already own one.

And those who don’t can always purchase the charger separately, and this, Apple says, is one way to protect the environment by not invading the planet with unnecessary electronics.

This approach, however, didn’t make sense for the Brazilian authorities, as a local consumer watchdog has asked Apple to provide additional information on how exactly iPhone 12 buyers are supposed to deal with the lack of a charger in the box.

And more specifically, how the environment would be protected by not including what’s being considered an essential accessory for a smartphone in the box.

The talks with Apple didn’t convince the consumer protection of the Sao Paulo state, also known as Procon-SP, so the regulator has asked the Cupertino-based tech giant to deal with this problem and thus include a charger in the box of the iPhone 12. If the company doesn’t find a way to address the complaints, it can eventually get fined.

iPhone 12 with earbuds in France

This isn’t the first time Apple’s decision to pull the accessories from the box of the iPhone is causing trouble for the tech giant.

French regulators have asked the company to continue selling the device with earbuds, as this is considered a must-have accessory in the local market, and Apple had no other option than to make an exception for buyers in the country.

Apple hasn’t commented on the demands of the competition watchdog in Brazil, but of course, the company must comply with the requirements and include a charger in the box of the iPhone 12.

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