Windows on Apple Silicon Ironically Faster than on Microsoft Hardware

 3 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/windows-on-apple-silicon-ironically-faster-than-on-microsoft-hardware-531681.shtml
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Windows 10 ARM unofficially installed on Apple Silicon

Windows 10 ARM benchmark on Apple Silicon and Surface Pro X
   Windows 10 ARM benchmark on Apple Silicon and Surface Pro X

One of the things Apple says on every single occasion when talking about Apple Silicon is the amazing performance, as the company says the chip is capable of providing insane power with the proper optimization job.

And as it turns out, Apple Silicon is even capable of running Windows better than Microsoft’s own hardware, as a comparison video shows the Mac mini running Windows 10 ARM scoring better in Geekbench tests than Microsoft’s very own Surface Pro X powered by the same operating system.

The performance comparison comes from YouTuber Martin Nobel who shared the whole thing this week, showing the Mac mini is actually nearly two times faster in the single-core testing than the Surface Pro X.

Apple Silicon-powered Mac mini on Windows 10 ARM got a nearly 5,000 points score on Geekbench, while the Surface Pro X topped at 3,113 points.

Windows 10 on Apple Silicon

Ironically, Microsoft itself hasn’t yet made a decision on whether to support Apple Silicon or not, despite Apple actually emphasizing it’s all up to the software giant to make this possible.

In other words, the Cupertino-based tech giant says, Apple Silicon is totally capable of running Windows 10 on ARM, only that Microsoft is the one that must make it happen.

“That's really up to Microsoft,” Craig Federighi, SVP of Software Engineering, said. “We have the core technologies for them to do that, to run their ARM version of Windows, which in turn of course supports x86 user mode applications. But that's a decision Microsoft has to make, to bring to license that technology for users to run on these Macs. But the Macs are certainly very capable of it.”

Check out the video below for a closer look at Windows 10 ARM running on Apple Silicon.

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