Samsung Releases One UI 3.0 Update to Galaxy S20 in Europe

 3 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/samsung-releases-one-ui-3-0-update-to-galaxy-s20-in-europe-531684.shtml
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Major update is now live in more countries

   Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra

The South Korean phone maker has officially started the rollout of the major One UI 3.0 update for the Galaxy S20 in more countries across Europe, with users in Germany, France, Italy, Poland, and several other regions reportedly getting the update as we speak.

The new firmware version is G98xxXXU5CTKG, and in addition to One UI 3.0, it also includes Android 11, the most recent version of Google’s mobile operating system the search giant has also published earlier this fall for its own Pixel lineup of phones.

The timing seems just about right for Samsung, as the company has been testing the One UI 3.0 update for several weeks already as part of a private beta program, so in theory, the new version should now be polished enough for production devices too.

Worth knowing, however, is the Galaxy S20 is the only device getting One UI 3.0 and Android 11 this month, with the rollout to continue in the coming months. The Galaxy Note20, for example, is projected to get the update in January 2021.

Galaxy S21

Samsung Galaxy S20 getting the One UI 3.0 update and Android 11 this month happens just at the right time, as the South Koreans are now getting ready to debut the new Galaxy S model.

Called Galaxy S21, the new device is projected to arrive earlier than anticipated, as Samsung has reportedly moved the launch date from February to January. People familiar with the matter said the Galaxy S21 could be announced in mid-January, while sales could kick off later the same month.

If this is the case, then we should be able to try out the Galaxy S21 in less than two months, and by that time, most S20 units out there should already be running One UI 3.0 and Android 11.

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