Microsoft’s 2020 Holiday Ad Is All Kinds of Cool

 3 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/microsoft-s-2020-holiday-ad-is-all-kinds-of-cool-531685.shtml
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The Redmond-based software giant publishes new commercial

Rufus is a dog locked inside, just like everyone else these days
   Rufus is a dog locked inside, just like everyone else these days

There’s no doubt 2020 has been a totally crazy year and nobody would have ever anticipated the last 10 months or so.

And certainly, 2020 certainly didn’t look like what we imagined back in our childhoods. The flying cars are nowhere to be seen, the robots are yet to take off, and we’re still decades away from the moment we’ll be able to teleport from one corner of the world to the other from the comfort of our homes.

So it’s pretty clear 2020 has totally different plans for us, and this is exactly the motif of Microsoft’s latest commercial ad.

Rufus, the dog living in a Microsoft world

This time, the focus is on Rufus, a dog locked indoors, just like everybody else these days, imagining what life would be when getting back together with its friends. And of course, the dream takes place in a Microsoft world powered by Minecraft, Microsoft Flight Simulator, and Microsoft Teams, the app that we’re all using these days to remain productive when working remotely.

“The holidays are a lot different this year, but that doesn't mean we can't experience joy and connection. ​Our ad tells the story of Rufus, a dog who can't physically be with his best bud but through his dreams, experiences the joy of togetherness and friendship. Together, they go on an epic adventure into the ​worlds of Minecraft, Halo, Microsoft Teams, and Microsoft Flight Simulator, just like Rufus' humans,” Microsoft explains in the description of the year.

You can watch the full commercial embedded at the end of the article.

For what it’s worth, Microsoft Teams has recorded a massive boost since the world started struggling with the global health issue, as its adoption simply skyrocketed as more people started working remotely. According to the most recent stats, Teams has 115 million daily active users.

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