Apple Could Launch Yet Another Product Next Week

 3 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/apple-could-launch-yet-another-product-next-week-531693.shtml
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Possible hardware announcement reportedly due on December 8

   New Apple product possibly coming next week

Apple announced the all-new Apple Watch Series 6 in September, while in October the company returned with the launch of the iPhone 12 generation, which this time included a staggered release, with the iPhone 12 mini and iPhone 12 Pro max going live in November.

In addition, November was also the month when Apple officially announced Apple Silicon and the first devices running on the in-house built M1 chip, so it’s safe to say the last few months have kept us busy in terms of hardware announcements from the Redmond-based tech giant.

And yet, it looks like Apple isn’t done for 2020, with the company actually planning yet another product launch on December 8.

An international memo sent by Apple to service providers and obtained by MacRumors seems to indicate a device benefitting from Apple Care would go live next week, though, for the time being, very little is known about what this is all about.

Apple tight-lipped so far

On the other hand, information that made the headlines lately though unofficial channels suggested Apple was indeed planning a holiday surprise for customers, and there’s a chance this is this unexpected launch.

Many believe Apple could take the wraps of tracking device AirTags, though the December 8 announcement could also witness the introduction of Apple’s first-generation over-ear headphones that would compete against the likes of Microsoft Surface Headphones.

However, what’s very clear at this point is Apple wouldn’t hold another launch party for this product, so the company would just publish a press release on its website and that’s pretty much all. If anything, customers will be invited to try out the new product in Apple Stores worldwide (where they are still open given the global health issue), but for now, everything is still in the rumor stage so we should just wait for Apple to share more details on this surprising new launch.

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