【记录贴】在树莓派中安装 TeX Live

 3 years ago
source link: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/172507840
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【记录贴】在树莓派中安装 TeX Live

本文使用 Zhihu On VSCode 创作并发布

为什么要在树莓派上安装 TeX Live 呢?因为好玩(x)可以学到 Linux 的一些东西(√),还可以拿来装逼(x)体验 Linux 下跑 LaTeX 的速度(√)。



  • Raspberry Pi 4 Model B
  • Win 10 笔记本电脑


  • Select a model: 4GB RAM
  • Country: 中国

然后找一家淘宝店购买。(注意 RPi 4B 的发热比较严重,建议购买主动散热装置)



烧录我是用了淘宝店提供的百度网盘里的软件。(也可以用官网提供的 Downloads,总之不是重点)

格式化 tf 卡、烧录好系统之后,在 tf 卡的主目录下创建一个

  • 文件名为 ssh

的文件,代表开启树莓派的 SSH 功能。

SSHVNC 连接树莓派

参考知乎问题《没有显示器可以使用树莓派么,初次安装过程中呢?》。(温馨提示:可以连接上树莓派的 IP 地址可能要等一段时间才能刷出来,如果测试了好几个 IP 都不行,就多等会)

安装 TeX Live

在《TeX Live 2019安装指南》中,@李阿铃提到


经测试,如果用 iso 安装,会返回

Quitting, no binary platform specified/available.
See https://tug.org/texlive/custom-bin.html for
information on other precompiled binary sets.



wget http://mirrors.aliyun.com/CTAN/systems/texlive/tlnet/install-tl-unx.tar.gz
tar -zxvf install-tl-unx.tar.gz


cd /home/pi/install-tl-20200805
sudo ./install-tl --no-gui -location http://mirrors.aliyun.com/CTAN/systems/texlive/tlnet/


======================> TeX Live installation procedure <=====================

======>   Letters/digits in <angle brackets> indicate   <=======
======>   menu items for actions or customizations      <=======

 Detected platform: GNU/Linux on ARMv6/RPi
 <B> set binary platforms: 1 out of 16

 <S> set installation scheme: scheme-full

 <C> set installation collections:
     40 collections out of 41, disk space required: 6983 MB

 <D> set directories:
   TEXDIR (the main TeX directory):
   TEXMFLOCAL (directory for site-wide local files):
   TEXMFSYSVAR (directory for variable and automatically generated data):
   TEXMFSYSCONFIG (directory for local config):
   TEXMFVAR (personal directory for variable and automatically generated data):
   TEXMFCONFIG (personal directory for local config):
   TEXMFHOME (directory for user-specific files):

 <O> options:
   [ ] use letter size instead of A4 by default
   [X] allow execution of restricted list of programs via \write18
   [X] create all format files
   [X] install macro/font doc tree
   [X] install macro/font source tree
   [ ] create symlinks to standard directories

 <V> set up for portable installation

 <I> start installation to hard disk
 <P> save installation profile to 'texlive.profile' and exit
 <H> help
 <Q> quit

键入 O,返回:

Options customization:

 <P> use letter size instead of A4 by default: [ ]
 <E> execution of restricted list of programs: [X]
 <F> create all format files:                  [X]
 <D> install font/macro doc tree:              [X]
 <S> install font/macro source tree:           [X]
 <L> create symlinks in standard directories:  [ ]
            binaries to: 
            manpages to: 
                info to: 

Actions: (disk space required: 6983 MB)
 <R> return to main menu
 <Q> quit

键入 D 取消安装文档,键入 R,返回主界面,键入 C 选择性安装 TeX Live 的 collection:

Select collections:

 a [X] Essential programs and files      w [X] Italian                         
 b [X] BibTeX additional styles          x [X] Japanese                        
 c [X] TeX auxiliary programs            y [X] Korean                          
 d [X] ConTeXt and packages              z [X] Other languages                 
 e [X] Additional fonts                  A [X] Polish                          
 f [X] Recommended fonts                 B [X] Portuguese                      
 g [X] Graphics and font utilities       C [X] Spanish                         
 h [X] Additional formats                D [X] LaTeX fundamental packages      
 i [X] Games typesetting                 E [X] LaTeX additional packages       
 j [X] Humanities packages               F [X] LaTeX recommended packages      
 k [X] Arabic                            G [X] LuaTeX packages                 
 l [X] Chinese                           H [X] MetaPost and Metafont packages  
 m [X] Chinese/Japanese/Korean (base)    I [X] Music packages                  
 n [X] Cyrillic                          J [X] Graphics, pictures, diagrams    
 o [X] Czech/Slovak                      K [X] Plain (La)TeX packages          
 p [X] US and UK English                 L [X] PSTricks                        
 s [X] Other European languages          M [X] Publisher styles, theses, etc.  
 t [X] French                            N [ ] Windows-only support programs   
 u [X] German                            O [X] XeTeX and packages              
 v [X] Greek                            
 P [X] Mathematics, natural sciences, computer science packages
 S [X] TeXworks editor; TL includes only the Windows binary

Actions: (disk space required: 4143 MB)
 <-> deselect all
 <+> select all
 <R> return to main menu
 <Q> quit

键入 - 取消所有,参考《TeX Live宏包集合和自定义安装》,键入 abcflmDFGJOP,返回

 a [X] Essential programs and files      w [ ] Italian                         
 b [X] BibTeX additional styles          x [ ] Japanese                        
 c [X] TeX auxiliary programs            y [ ] Korean                          
 d [ ] ConTeXt and packages              z [ ] Other languages                 
 e [ ] Additional fonts                  A [ ] Polish                          
 f [X] Recommended fonts                 B [ ] Portuguese                      
 g [ ] Graphics and font utilities       C [ ] Spanish                         
 h [ ] Additional formats                D [X] LaTeX fundamental packages      
 i [ ] Games typesetting                 E [ ] LaTeX additional packages       
 j [ ] Humanities packages               F [X] LaTeX recommended packages      
 k [ ] Arabic                            G [X] LuaTeX packages                 
 l [X] Chinese                           H [ ] MetaPost and Metafont packages  
 m [X] Chinese/Japanese/Korean (base)    I [ ] Music packages                  
 n [ ] Cyrillic                          J [X] Graphics, pictures, diagrams    
 o [ ] Czech/Slovak                      K [ ] Plain (La)TeX packages          
 p [ ] US and UK English                 L [ ] PSTricks                        
 s [ ] Other European languages          M [ ] Publisher styles, theses, etc.  
 t [ ] French                            N [ ] Windows-only support programs   
 u [ ] German                            O [X] XeTeX and packages              
 v [ ] Greek                            
 P [X] Mathematics, natural sciences, computer science packages
 S [ ] TeXworks editor; TL includes only the Windows binary

Actions: (disk space required: 996 MB)
 <-> deselect all
 <+> select all
 <R> return to main menu
 <Q> quit

键入 R 返回主界面

======================> TeX Live installation procedure <=====================

======>   Letters/digits in <angle brackets> indicate   <=======
======>   menu items for actions or customizations      <=======

 Detected platform: GNU/Linux on ARMv6/RPi
 <B> set binary platforms: 1 out of 16

 <S> set installation scheme: scheme-custom

 <C> set installation collections:
     12 collections out of 41, disk space required: 996 MB

 <D> set directories:
   TEXDIR (the main TeX directory):
   TEXMFLOCAL (directory for site-wide local files):
   TEXMFSYSVAR (directory for variable and automatically generated data):
   TEXMFSYSCONFIG (directory for local config):
   TEXMFVAR (personal directory for variable and automatically generated data):
   TEXMFCONFIG (personal directory for local config):
   TEXMFHOME (directory for user-specific files):

 <O> options:
   [ ] use letter size instead of A4 by default
   [X] allow execution of restricted list of programs via \write18
   [X] create all format files
   [ ] install macro/font doc tree
   [X] install macro/font source tree
   [ ] create symlinks to standard directories

 <V> set up for portable installation

 <I> start installation to hard disk
 <P> save installation profile to 'texlive.profile' and exit
 <H> help
 <Q> quit

发现只需要 996 MB,不喜欢这个数字的朋友可以多 / 少安装几个 collection。键入 I 开始安装。

安装完之后,开始设置环境变量。(参考 install-latex

sudo apt-get install gedit
gedit ~/.bashrc


export PATH=/usr/local/texlive/2020/bin/armhf-linux:$PATH
export MANPATH=/usr/local/texlive/2020/texmf-dist/doc/man:$MANPATH
export INFOPATH=/usr/local/texlive/2020/texmf-dist/doc/info:$INFOPATH


tex -v


sudo cp /usr/local/texlive/2020/texmf-var/fonts/conf/texlive-fontconfig.conf /etc/fonts/conf.d/09-texlive.conf


sudo fc-cache -fsv


然后就可以测试树莓派的性能,开始愉快的玩耍了。(测试代码可以使用 @stone-zeng 的博文《TeX 性能评测》中的代码)

原博文《【记录贴】在树莓派中安装 TeX Live

编辑于 08-23

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