
 3 years ago
source link: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/197919733
Go to the source link to view the article. You can view the picture content, updated content and better typesetting reading experience. If the link is broken, please click the button below to view the snapshot at that time.





  • Ghostscript,PDF及PS的解释器
  • MuPDF,PDF解释器/预览器
  • Poppler/Xpdf,PDF解析/显示库


1. EPS文件到PDF的转换


万一不幸,需要处理,其实也比较简单,直接用ps2pdf工具即可(TeX Live中自带):

Usage: ps2pdf [options] <inputfile> <outputfile>

       <inputfile> can be either a PS, EPS, or PDF file.
       A single hyphen (-) denotes stdin.

       <outputfile> is required if <inputfile> is a PDF file
       or input is read from stdin.

2. PDF文件裁边

某些PDF文件需要裁边,具体场景比如:把PDF扔到Kindle里面去读;插图的时候避免多余的空白。这时候可以使用pdfcrop工具(TeX Live中自带)。简单的用法就是敲个命令:

pdfcrop input.pdf


PDFCROP 1.40, 2020/06/06 - Copyright (c) 2002-2020 by Heiko Oberdiek, Oberdiek Package Support Group.
Syntax:   pdfcrop [options] <input[.pdf]> [output file]
Function: Margins are calculated and removed for each page in the file.
Options:                                                       (defaults:)
  --help              print usage
  --version           print version number
  --(no)verbose       verbose printing                         (false)
  --(no)debug         debug informations                       (false)
  --gscmd <name>      call of ghostscript                      (gswin32c)
  --pdftex | --xetex | --luatex
                      use pdfTeX | use XeTeX | use LuaTeX      (pdftex)
  --pdftexcmd <name>  call of pdfTeX                           (pdftex)
  --xetexcmd <name>   call of XeTeX                            (xetex)
  --luatexcmd <name>  call of LuaTeX                           (luatex)
  --margins "<left> <top> <right> <bottom>"                    (0 0 0 0)
                      add extra margins, unit is bp. If only one number is
                      given, then it is used for all margins, in the case
                      of two numbers they are also used for right and bottom.
  --(no)clip          clipping support, if margins are set     (false)
                      (not available for --xetex)
  --(no)hires         using `%%HiResBoundingBox'               (false)
                      instead of `%%BoundingBox'
  --(no)ini           use iniTeX variant of the TeX compiler   (false)
Expert options:
  --restricted        turn on restricted mode                  (false)
  --papersize <foo>   parameter for gs's -sPAPERSIZE=<foo>,
                      use only with older gs versions <7.32    ()
  --resolution <xres>x<yres>                                   ()
  --resolution <res>  pass argument to ghostscript's option -r
                      Example: --resolution 72
  --bbox "<left> <bottom> <right> <top>"                       ()
                      override bounding box found by ghostscript
                      with origin at the lower left corner
  --bbox-odd          Same as --bbox, but for odd pages only   ()
  --bbox-even         Same as --bbox, but for even pages only  ()
  --pdfversion <x.y> | auto | none
                      Set the PDF version to x.y, x= 1 or 2, y=0-9.
                      If `auto' is given as value, then the
                      PDF version is taken from the header
                      of the input PDF file.
                      An empty value or `none' uses the
                      default of the TeX engine.               (auto)
  --uncompress        creates an uncompressed pdf,
                      useful for debugging                     (false)

Input file: If the name is `-', then the standard input is used and
  the output file name must be explicitly given.
  pdfcrop --margins 10 input.pdf output.pdf
  pdfcrop --margins '5 10 5 20' --clip input.pdf output.pdf
In case of errors:
  Try option --verbose first to get more information.
In case of bugs:
  Please, use option --debug for bug reports.


3. PDF文件转为图像(位图)




mutool draw -r 300 -o i.png i.pdf


mutool draw -r 300 -o i-%d.png i.pdf


gs -sDEVICE=pngalpha -o file-%03d.png -r300 i.pdf

如果是在Windows下的TeX Live中,可以这样使用:

rungs -sDEVICE=pngalpha -o file-%03d.png -r300 i.pdf

4. PDF文件转为图像(矢量)


gs -o o.pdf -dNoOutputFonts -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER i.pdf


pdftocairo -svg i.pdf
pdftocairo -eps i.pdf


mutool convert -F svg i.pdf

5. 查看/抽取文档内的字体和图像



pdffonts i.pdf


mutool extract i.pdf

6. 抽取PDF页面


mutool merge -o o.pdf i.pdf 1,2,3,6-7


usage: mutool merge [-o output.pdf] [-O options] input.pdf [pages] [input2.pdf] [pages2] ...
        -o -    name of PDF file to create
        -O -    comma separated list of output options
        input.pdf       name of input file from which to copy pages
        pages   comma separated list of page numbers and ranges

PDF output options:
        decompress: decompress all streams (except compress-fonts/images)
        compress: compress all streams
        compress-fonts: compress embedded fonts
        compress-images: compress images
        ascii: ASCII hex encode binary streams
        pretty: pretty-print objects with indentation
        linearize: optimize for web browsers
        clean: pretty-print graphics commands in content streams
        sanitize: sanitize graphics commands in content streams
        garbage: garbage collect unused objects
        incremental: write changes as incremental update
        continue-on-error: continue saving the document even if there is an error
        or garbage=compact: ... and compact cross reference table
        or garbage=deduplicate: ... and remove duplicate objects
        decrypt: write unencrypted document
        encrypt=rc4-40|rc4-128|aes-128|aes-256: write encrypted document
        permissions=NUMBER: document permissions to grant when encrypting
        user-password=PASSWORD: password required to read document
        owner-password=PASSWORD: password required to edit document



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