Infoblox launches SOC Insights in ANZ

 4 months ago
source link: https://itwire.com/business-it-sp-511/business-it/infoblox-launches-soc-insights-in-anz.html
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Friday, 16 February 2024 11:59

Infoblox launches SOC Insights in ANZ

By Infoblox

Cloud networking and security services provider Infoblox announced SOC Insights, an AI-driven security operations solution that boosts its DNS detection and response solution, BloxOne Threat Defence.

Security analysts use the solution to jumpstart investigations and reduce response time by turning vast amounts of security events, network, ecosystem, and unique DNS intelligence data into a manageable set of immediate, actionable insights at AI speed, Infoblox said.

SOC Insights enables cybersecurity teams to consolidate individual alerts into insights. Each insight provides access to device, event, and attacker infrastructure details and Infoblox’s unique DNS intelligence data.

“SOC Insights is a game-changer for SecOps, allowing them to focus on what matters, especially when they’re up against limited budget and resources,” Infoblox vice president, security, and product management Craig Sanderson.

“At Infoblox, we envision a future where AI-driven analytics and DNS-driven intelligence dramatically elevate SecOps efficiency, with SOC Insights setting the industry standard.”

With evolving technologies like generative AI and cloud and the continued cyber security skills shortage in Australia with a demand of more than 17,000 professionals by 2026, the growth of sophisticated attacks is now resulting in more business risk and exposure than ever, Infoblox said.

“Australia and New Zealand’s cyber security skills shortage is so great that it can’t be solved by getting more people into the industry alone,” said Infoblox managing director ANZ Scott Morris.

“SOC Insights delivers AI-driven insights in a way the industry hasn’t seen before, aligning to the new Cyber Security Strategy’s call for ‘real-time threat sharing to facilitate automated threat-blocking capabilities’. Enhanced DNS intelligence will help under-pressure security teams block cyber-attacks before they impact people, government, or businesses by filtering, sorting, and prioritising threats for them while they focus on what matters.”

With SOC Insights, Infoblox BloxOne Threat Defence can help in eliminating critical SecOps team challenges such as:

Cyber-attacks: Apply DNS threat intelligence to identify threats other tools will miss and proactively disrupt adversaries’ infrastructure to stop threats before they occur.

Alert fatigue: Identify which events matter the most by narrowing down hundreds of thousands of alerts to a more manageable set of insights with actionable guidance to accelerate the investigation and remediation process.

Lengthy incident response times: Eliminate wasted time collecting, filtering, and interpreting vast amounts of event, network, and unique DNS intelligence data to enable SecOps to quickly or automatically initiate response activities.

Underutilised existing security ecosystem: Share AI-driven insights with correlated and filtered data to trigger automated responses, making other tools in the security stack more effective, further improving the efficiency of SOC tools and teams. “By applying AI to vast amounts of DNS and network data, Infoblox provides security teams with proactive threat disruption, insightful analytics, and intelligent ecosystem integrations,” said Moor Insights & Strategy vice president and principal analyst Will Townsend.

“Infoblox's SOC Insights represents a shift in how security operations centres can leverage AI to transform overwhelming volumes of data into precise, actionable intelligence,” said The Futurum Group vice president and practice leader Steven Dickens.

“By integrating unique DNS intelligence with AI-driven analytics, SOC Insights not only streamlines SecOps workflows but also sets a new industry benchmark for proactive threat detection and response, ensuring that security teams can stay ahead of increasingly sophisticated cyber threats.”

With SOC Insights, Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) can help their customers improve their security posture, optimise their security investments, and streamline their operations.

IT channel partners can also unlock new opportunities to sell or uplift other solutions in the Infoblox Security Ecosystem.

SOC Insights is available in Australia and New Zealand now.

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