GCP Vercel - Easiest way to use GCP on Vercel | Product Hunt

 4 months ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/gcp-vercel
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Ranked #20 for today

GCP Vercel

Easiest way to use GCP on Vercel

Easily integrate Google Cloud Platform (GCP) into Vercel-hosted apps. This app simplifies the process of adding GCP credentials, typically cumbersome JSON files, into regular environment variables with just a few clicks.
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Hey developers!

I'm excited to introduce you to GCP Vercel, an integration that allows you to quickly access Google Cloud Platform services from apps hosted on Vercel. It's free and open source.

We also love Google Cloud Platform (GCP) because of the wide variety of products it offers. However, it can be difficult to use Google Cloud Platform with Vercel because of the way credentials are handled by GCP. Instead of access token environment variables, GCP uses a service account key file. Therefore, we wanted to make it easier to use some of the great products offered by GCP with Vercel.

Hope this is useful! Ryan

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