Insider Transaction and Financial Overview of QuantumScape Corp

 4 months ago
source link: https://ceoworld.biz/2024/02/23/insider-transaction-and-financial-overview-of-quantumscape-corp/
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Insider Transaction and Financial Overview of QuantumScape Corp

Kevin Hettrich, the Chief Financial Officer of QuantumScape Corp (NYSE: QS), recently disclosed the sale of 45,901 shares in the company, as reported in a recent SEC filing. As of the insider’s most recent transaction date, QuantumScape Corp shares were trading at $6.52 each, with a market capitalization of $3.157 billion, representing the total value of its outstanding shares.

This transaction is part of a series of sales by the insider over the past year, aligning with a consistent pattern of share disposals. In the last year alone, Hettrich has sold a total of 514,327 shares of QuantumScape Corp and has not made any purchases of the company’s stock. This selling trend is reflected in the insider transaction history, with 31 insider sells and no insider buys recorded over the same period.

QuantumScape Corp specializes in the development of solid-state lithium-metal batteries tailored for electric vehicles, offering advancements such as higher energy density, faster charging times, and enhanced safety compared to conventional lithium-ion batteries.

These insider transactions and financial metrics provide insights into QuantumScape Corp’s stock activity and the strategic decisions made by its leadership team, contributing to a broader understanding of the company’s performance and market dynamics.

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