
 4 months ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/captioncreator-cc
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Automatic Online Video Subtitle Generator

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Hello Hunters, Maker here! I'm excited to announce CaptionCreator.cc to the ProductHunt world (this is my first ProductHunt launch).

I started building CaptionCreator.cc when OpenAI launched their Whisper speech-to-text model back in 2022.

Originally, I built this just as a personal project with no intention of making it into a product, but I bought a domain and published it anyway on Reddit and a few other sites.

Had no customers for almost 5 months, but slowly the website was starting to get traffic, now it has about 3k visits/month and about 1500 happy customers.

Here are some details about the product:

CaptionCreator is a Automatic Subtitle Generator for your videos and audios. - Supports translation from 50+ languages to English Subtitles/Text. - Supports transcription from 50+ languages to Subtitles/Text. - Native Subtitle Editor - Export to SRT/VTT or normal text (TXT) format

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Joyk means Joy of geeK