Bookmark It.

 4 months ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/bookmark-it-2
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Bookmark manager for the modern web

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🌟 What Sets Us Apart:

Intuitive Design: Experience a modern and user-friendly interface with timeline view for easy historical browsing. Cross-Device Accessibility: Access your bookmarks anytime, anywhere, on any device. Privacy and Security: Your data is yours, delete your account and its data whenever you choose.

We're constantly improving Bookmark It! Share your suggestions and ideas to help shape the future of bookmarking.

This project is fully open-source, released under the AGPLv3 license. You can clone modify, and deploy your own version bookmark it. As long as it’s open source.


Bookmark It. has chrome extension to easy access to your bookmarks. Other browser like safari, Firefox is coming soon.

built w/ @reactjs @tailwind @supabase @shadcn ui-components @vitejs

This project is fully open-source, released under the AGPLv3 license.


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