Elon Musk initiated custody suit against Grimes, seeking connection with his kid...

 9 months ago
source link: https://nextbigwhat.com/elon-musk-initiated-custody-suit-against-grimes-seeking-connection-with-his-kids/
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Home Elon Musk initiated custody suit against Grimes, seeking connection with his kids

Elon Musk initiated custody suit against Grimes, seeking connection with his kids

  • Elon Musk filed a lawsuit against Grimes before she did, aiming to ‘establish the parent-child relationship’ with their children.
  • Musk accused Grimes of moving to California to avoid Texas jurisdiction, and served his case to her on September 13.
  • Grimes later filed her own suit, seeking physical custody and a restraining order to prevent the children from being moved out of California.
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