Katie Cotton, Who Helped Raise Apple’s Profile, Dies at 57

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/04/business/katie-cotton-dead.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare
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Business|Katie Cotton, Who Helped Raise Apple’s Profile, Dies at 57

Katie Cotton, Who Helped Raise Apple’s Profile, Dies at 57

As head of public relations, she worked closely with Steve Jobs, the company’s visionary chief executive, to spread the word about products like the iMac and the iPhone.

A color photo Katie Cotton and Tim Cook, both dressed in black, standing in front of a large screen with images of iPhones. He is wearing glasses and holding up an iPhone; she has shoulder-length dark hair and is looking at him.
Katie Cotton, Apple’s longtime vice president of communications, with Tim Cook, the company’s chief executive, at the launch of two new models of the iPhone in Palo Alto, Calif., in 2013.Credit...Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
A color photo Katie Cotton and Tim Cook, both dressed in black, standing in front of a large screen with images of iPhones. He is wearing glasses and holding up an iPhone; she has shoulder-length dark hair and is looking at him.
May 4, 2023

Katie Cotton, who as Apple’s longtime communications chief guarded the media’s access to Steve Jobs, the company’s visionary co-founder, and helped organize the introduction of many of his products, died on April 6 in Redwood City, Calif. She was 57.

Her death, in a hospital, was confirmed by Michael Mimeles, her former husband. He did not give a cause but said that she had experienced complications from heart surgery she underwent a few years ago.

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