Apple to launch bond sale for buybacks & dividends

 1 year ago
source link: https://appleinsider.com/articles/23/05/08/apple-is-about-to-start-a-new-5-billion-bond-sale?
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Apple to launch bond sale for buybacks & dividends

Apple plans a new bond sale


In the upcoming weeks, Apple plans to offer five different bonds in a sale to finance its buyback and dividend initiatives, and could potentially raise up to $5 billion.

Andrew is a writer and commentator who has been sharing his insights on technology since 2015. He has authored numerous online articles covering a range of topics including Apple, privacy, and security. Andrew joined AppleInsider in 2022 as a Contributing Writer covering news, tips, and reviews.

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said about 9 hours ago

Certainly going to have AAA ratings, thus yielding only a bit more than treasuries. Probably safer, though, given the current debt ceiling debacle. If Congress forces a default, treasuries will no doubt wind up yielding more than Apple's equivalent duration bonds. And that would be a good investment given that equities will collapse if the U.S. defaults.

Probably a good idea to wait on any bond purchase and keep or increase any cash positions you may have until the situation is resolved. If the default happens, interest rates will rise across both public and private sectors.

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