OffHeap 77. The “Lost” Episode

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.javaoffheap.com/2023/01/offheap-77-the-lost-episode.html
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OffHeap 77. The “Lost” Episode

So, someone forgot to click on the “publish” button for December and we have an extra episode queued up! (Oh well)

We cover the new virtual conferences coming up for the Year 2023 that are coming up + we dive into the massive tech layoff happening (including of course twitter).

We then dive head-first on an ever-relevant question. “If you were to start a new project now, which Java version would you use”. Do you stick with 11? Or jump into 17? or try a non-lts with 19? or (gasp), you go to 8? We dive into the pros/cons and what our esteem panel of pundits have to say about it. So take on and listen to the (lost) but very much relevant episode

We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

DO follow us on twitter @offheap


  • JakartaOne LiveStream – Dec 6
  • SpringOne – Dec 6 – 8
  • jChampions Conf – Jan 19, 20, 23, 24
  • Devnexus – Apr 4-6, CFP closes Nov 15


  • Which Java version should you start a new project?

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