Click here: Twitter alt text meme that isn't funny for blind people

 1 year ago
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Click here: Twitter alt text meme that isn't funny for blind people

1 hour ago
The Twitter meme with black text saying
By Jack Gray
BBC Newsbeat

You've probably seen one of the latest Twitter memes doing the rounds.

There's black text - "click here" - on a white background. And an arrow, pointing to the ALT image description label. Behind that, there's a joke or a punchline.

Brands including McDonald's (ALT: "Extra pickles life") and Red Bull Gaming (ALT: "Ice cold Red Bull") have jumped on the trend.

Just a bit of light-hearted content to make their followers laugh, right?

Well, not if you're blind or partially sighted and rely on alt text to help you navigate social media.

Alt text, short for alternative text, provides a description of an image that can be used with accessibility features like screen readers.

'A meme for sighted people'

Connor Scott-Gardner is blind and says the memes are really irresponsible and encourage misuse of alt text.

"It actually took sighted people calling out the meme for blind people to even know what it was," he tells BBC Newsbeat.

"Because we weren't knowing there was a picture there that said 'click here' and so you're excluded on that very fundamental level.

"It's very much a meme that is created for sighted people."

Image source, Connor Scott-Gardner
Image caption,
Connor Scott-Gardner says some brands "have no interest in including blind people"

What's more annoying for Connor is that so many of the brands jumping on the bandwagon don't even use alt text in their other posts.

"Another layer to this is that you're seeing brands jumping on this meme who never had alt text. And who have posted things since without alt text," he says.

"So it's very clear that they have no interest in including blind people or giving us access to information.

"They're only using that accessibility feature when it's convenient to them and brings something to their sighted followers."

Connor says one brand he tweeted, McDonald's Canada, actually deleted their meme and apologised to him.

'Inclusive content is good content'

Another company, Specsavers, turned the trend on its head.

The company tweeted the "click here" image, but used the alt text to criticise others who'd used the meme for jokes.

They wrote: "Alt text is a hugely important accessibility tool designed to help people navigate the internet more easily, so it shouldn't be used as a punchline.

"This is especially true if the ALT text doesn't describe the image, leaving blind and visually impaired people out of the joke."

Becky Brynolf, who's the head of social media at the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB), agrees.

"Adding good alt text is such a quick win, I'm really surprised that more people don't do it," she says.

"Inclusive content is just good content. So you really shouldn't be excluding anyone, especially not for a joke.

"If you wouldn't take someone's guide cane to show off how well you can twirl it about, you absolutely shouldn't be misusing alt text for the sake of a joke."

Image source, RNIB
Image caption,
RNIB social media lead Becky Brynolf says alt text can be a way of saying "we want you here" to users who rely on it

Connor says alt text is so important to him because so much content posted online relies on images.

"You think there are entire social media platforms like Instagram, which are image-based," he says.

"And we share a lot of information through images, whether that's text or through memes, whether we're making a joke or just through culturally significant things.

"So for me alt text gives me access to all of that content, and it means that I'm able to have an equitable experience on the web."

So what can people do to make their tweets and other posts more accessible?

Becky says you can be really descriptive with your alt text, because you have 1,000 characters to play with.

"I've been really disappointed by all the tweets coming from the Met Gala, for example, that just say something like 'Jeremy Strong attends the Met Gala'," she says.

"But what is he wearing? What's his facial expression? What's the vibe like? Does he look happy to be there?

"Blind people want to hear about the fashion too. So don't feel like people aren't interested just because they can't see the visuals.

"And just always think of accessibility as like a love note. Like it tells people we want you here as well."

Newsbeat reached out to Twitter for a comment but it replied in the same way it does to all of the media, with a poo emoji.

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