OffHeap 79. DevNexus 2023! With Brian Fox (CTO of Sonatype)

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.javaoffheap.com/2023/04/offheap-79-devnexus-2023-with-brian-fox-cto-of-sonatype.html
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OffHeap 79. DevNexus 2023! With Brian Fox (CTO of Sonatype)

We are at it again! We went to DevNexus in Atlanta, and we have the WHOLE GANG showing up! It has been great catching up in person and oh boy, there’s so much tech to talk about!

For this episode we have Brian Fox (@Brian_Fox), CTO of Sonatype talk about the importance of security across the supply chain. With new legislation coming regulating security and software pipelines it is the right time to discuss what is our role as developers in this.

An incredibly fun episode, with a quiz at the end (Powered by none other than ChatGPT) is an episode you don’t want to miss!


We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

DO follow us on twitter @offheap

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