Can't delete plist file in Ventura

 1 year ago
source link: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/cant-delete-plist-file-in-ventura.2388064/
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Can't delete plist file in Ventura


macrumors newbie

Original poster

Apr 28, 2023
Hey guys so basic issue on systems till big sur I was able to delete MacbookPro8,1.plist from Big Sur to Ventura I am totally unable to delete this file so my laptop is laggin and running really slow without adapter is there any magic chance to delete that file from ventura? I wanna run ventura and not need to be back to mojave for running smoothly.


macrumors member
Aug 18, 2022
Why do you need to delete this file?


macrumors newbie

Original poster

Apr 28, 2023
as i wrote before when Im on adapter it works fast and smothly but when i detach and try to work on battery it just lag so much that I have even time to get coffee before an app open and on other systems before Big Sur it was the same issue but when i delete that file worked fast on battery too


macrumors newbie

Original poster

Apr 28, 2023


macrumors 604
Apr 19, 2017 6,652 1,755 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Well to be honest I just bought the battery like 2 weeks ago
What does coconut-flavor say about the battery health?

Degraded battery health is one reason the MacBook would be sluggish without being connected to a charger.


macrumors newbie

Original poster

Apr 28, 2023
the health of battery is above 90% and after I delete that file on for example mojave or high sierra it works fine on battery


macrumors 604
Apr 19, 2017 6,652 1,755 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
There shouldn't be a need to delete the file with a supported OS as far as I know. I assume it's because you are running an unsupported OS on Mac.


macrumors newbie

Original poster

Apr 28, 2023

but high sierra its the same that came with macbook


macrumors 604
Apr 19, 2017 6,652 1,755 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I was referring to Big Sur through to Ventura.

Have you looked at the thread about Ventura on unsupported Macs?

I am using a MacBook 11,1 and I have never had to delete the plist file to deal with lagginess on a supported OS.


macrumors 68040
Sep 23, 2005 3,670 1,903 Toronto
Have you tried to disable SIP? What is the path to the .plist


macrumors newbie

Original poster

Apr 28, 2023
Have you tried to disable SIP? What is the path to the .plist
yes i done that with SIP and nothing helped

System/Library/extentions/IOPlatformPluginFamily.kext/contents/PlugIns/ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin.kext/contents/resources/--- macbookpro8_1.plist


macrumors 68040
Apr 18, 2018 3,320 4,878
So let me understand. Your MBP is from 2011 and you want to install Ventura on it and you are having trouble? A quick check on apple and it appears a 2011 MBP is not supported on Ventura. So are you surprised it does not run?
Reactions: KeithBN


macrumors newbie

Original poster

Apr 28, 2023
So let me understand. Your MBP is from 2011 and you want to install Ventura on it and you are having trouble? A quick check on apple and it appears a 2011 MBP is not supported on Ventura. So are you surprised it does not run?

View attachment 2194838
suprise it runs as it's patched and it runs but it works perfectly only with adapter without its laggin just like sierra and other before i delete that file


Jun 14, 2007 Michigan
suprise it runs as it's patched and it runs but it works perfectly only with adapter without its laggin just like sierra and other before i delete that file
Try booting into Safe Mode and deleting the file from Terminal. Also, you can try Target Disk Mode from another machine.

If your machine is running slow, check your laundry demons and launch agents for nonsense.

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