HikeLog - Share your outdoor trips and gear with your audience | Product Hunt

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/hikelog
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"Thanks for checking the HikeLog launch out!"

The makers of HikeLog
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Hello ProductHunt!

I'm Jake, I decided to make this product as I felt there was a gap for an outdoor platform with a strong community sense that could actually benefit outdoor creators.

Outdoor creators or enthusiasts go through a lot of outdoor gear, they're always trying a new piece out or doing a review.

The platform, at this stage, is focused heavily on allowing users to maintain a global gear library of all the gear they use. From this they can create sub-lists or sets of gear they commonly use together. These gear lists can then be easily attached to an individual trip, making sure each trip has an accurate gear list, providing a much more engaging experience for their audience.

If the feedback here is good, this is just the start of HikeLog. We plan to add a lot more:

A searchable list of outdoor creators and their trips; to evoke a strong community feel. A trip comment section; for creators to engage with their audience. A gear review system; to help users research gear choices before buying. A tracking system for mountain summits; so climbers can keep track of what they've done. A trip route view; so the audience can follow the trip route themselves. A gear autofill service; so manually adding gear is quick and easy.

+ a lot more. If you have some ideas, please share as a comment!

Super, super unique niche in this sea of AI products. I really like this idea and think this could have a lot of potential ofr the future but i think you need to promote it to a better audience. Not trying to kill the vibe here.

I could see this being of huge help for people being into multiple days outdors hicking. Also might be a good tool for everybody who is into hunting and needs to research some areas and gear used by famous hunters (i would look into this).

Happy to see new and different ideas come to life. Keep up the good work.

@chiritescu_stefan Thanks very much! Agreed, I think getting the product promoted to the right people is going to be the biggest challenge here.

Hopefully once a large outdoor creator (or famous hunter like you say) picks the tool up, it could start the ball rolling and get visibility with other creators. Once this happens I can use their feedback to build features to help them out even more in their specific outdoor niches.

Thanks again for your kind words and feedback

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