Development - [ROM][13][CHEETAH] Official crDroid v9.3 [19.04.2023] | Page 8 | X...

 1 year ago
source link: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/rom-13-cheetah-official-crdroid-v9-3-19-04-2023.4574269/page-8#post-88446913
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Dilemma with or without Pixel_framework


Senior Member
Decided to give crDroid another swing since the Pixel features are present, and so far, loving it.

Extreme Battery Saver is bugged again, can't set it up or enable it(can't grab a log currently since I'm on the go). Apart from that, NGA doesn't seem to be working, but that's always a little tricky, so I'll mess with that later on.

Lastly, is it possible to add a toggle for unlinking ringtone and notification volume? The notification volume is present in the settings, but grayed out since there's no way to unlink them, unless I'm missing it somewhere.

Thanks Omar! 🙏

Edit: There's also double file managers and neither can be disabled.

working on that its source side so waiting on them to update

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Joyk means Joy of geeK