Happy Eid – Trustnodes

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.trustnodes.com/2023/04/21/happy-eid
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Happy Eid – Trustnodes

The Islamic world is celebrating today the end of a month long fasting period, from Indonesia to Turkey, much of Arabia and some of Europe.

It’s been about five years since crypto was declared in compliance with religious teachings there, and since then much of the Islamic world has seen growth in adoption.

Dubai, and the entire United Arab Emirates, has been one of the most enthusiastic adopters, portraying a future of innovation that has firmly crypto in it.

Iran has adopted it in a somewhat different way, using crypto to get some connection to the global economy from which it has been semi-isolated since they raided the US embassy back in the 70s.

Egypt, and much of the rest really, is not quite on our map. For Egypt in particular, because the dictatorship there doesn’t seem to like crypto much and the mullas back in 2018 even tried to declare it as not compliant with sharia.

But Indonesia came to the rescue to put Jakarta firmly in our radar, while Turkey has become arguably the biggest adopter at the public level.

Crypto Turks will be honored with hosting Devconnect this year. Little more is known about it than that it is organized by the Ethereum Foundation, the only such event besides Devcon.

There has been no announcement for a Devcon this year so far, and it is unknown at this point whether Vitalik Buterin will attend Devconnect.

It being held in Istanbul however might be an attraction of its own as the biggest capital in the world in the south.

It will be held after the elections next month at near the end of the year in autumn, and as a rare weeklong global event in that part of the world, it is in some ways a celebration of the arrival of general peace in the region.

We always forget Yemen, where the raptures of the Arab spring continue to sound, in part because it appears largely the so called clash of civilizations is over.

They’ll celebrate this Eid therefore more at peace than at any time in two decades, more rich than at any time in Indonesia, and with the biggest democratic decision than at anytime in circa two decades in Turkey.

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