MacBook Pro 14 M2 Trackpad Sound?

 1 year ago
source link: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/macbook-pro-14-m2-trackpad-sound.2381188/
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MacBook Pro 14 M2 Trackpad Sound?


macrumors newbie

Original poster

Jun 10, 2022
Compared to the previous 14" M1 MBPs, the new 14" M2 MBP seems to have a louder/hollower/clickier trackpad. This is probably the most minor gripe I've had, but I'm curious if this is the norm? Note: I disabled force-clicks and have the click strength set to medium.

Video for reference (though the sound is probably a little exaggerated)...


macrumors 68040
Feb 1, 2008 3,395 1,524
just switched mine to medium. Better.


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009 71,838 41,094
One one hand Apple's trackpad is the best in the industry, on the other, I'm not really liking the force touch mechanism. I have have the force-clicks disabled. They just don't feel right to me.

towel rack

macrumors newbie
Mar 2, 2023 Boulder & Loveland
Not just you... I switched from the 14" M1, and yeah, I am not digging this noise. It's not especially loud, but it's just enough of a high-pitched frequency that it easily cuts through ambient room sounds, and it's annoying as hell.
Reactions: CrankyHermit


macrumors member
Dec 22, 2012
One one hand Apple's trackpad is the best in the industry, on the other, I'm not really liking the force touch mechanism. I have have the force-clicks disabled. They just don't feel right to me.
is it possible to disable it? I think you can't.


macrumors newbie
Jan 5, 2017
OP, do you have silent clicking enabled? My 16" M2 is very quiet compared to my old 2016 MBP. That trackpad could be heard from space!


macrumors newbie

Original poster

Jun 10, 2022
OP, do you have silent clicking enabled? My 16" M2 is very quiet compared to my old 2016 MBP. That trackpad could be heard from space!
Silent clicking was sadly removed quite a few OS revisions ago


macrumors newbie
Jan 5, 2017
Silent clicking was sadly removed quite a few OS revisions ago
Hmmm. I see that as an option in the latest update.


  • Screenshot 2023-04-21 at 2.31.55 PM.png

    Screenshot 2023-04-21 at 2.31.55 PM.png
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macrumors 68020
Oct 18, 2008 2,144 UK
Hmmm. I see that as an option in the latest update.
On what machine? It may well be more that it was removed for some hardware, my m2 does not have this option either.


macrumors 6502
Sep 17, 2022
Hmmm. I see that as an option in the latest update.
Does it work? I can activate it but it doesn't change anything.

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