Stack Overflow's architecture, Lobsters' killer libraries, Linux is ready for mo...

 1 year ago
source link: https://changelog.com/podcast/news-2023-02-27
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The Changelog

Stack Overflow's architecture, Lobsters' killer libraries, Linux is ready for modern Macs, what to expect from your framework & GoatCounter web analytics

Changelog News for 2023-02-27


All Episodes

Sahn Lam details Stack Overflow’s monolith/on-prem architecture, Hillel Wayne asks the Lobsters community for killer libraries, Linux 6.2 is ready to run on M1 Macs thanks to Asahi Linux, Johan Halse writes up what to expect from your web framework & Eli Bendersky on using GoatCounter for blog analytics.

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Joyk means Joy of geeK