[EXPLAINER] Understanding the Difference Between Layer 1 and Layer 2 Chains

 1 year ago
source link: https://bitcoinke.io/2023/02/emurgo-signs-mou-with-pan-atlantic-university/
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Cardano’s Founding Entity, Emurgo, Signs an MoU with Nigeria’s Pan-Atlantic University to Co-Develop and Build Web3 Training Programs for Students

Based in Lagos, Nigeria, Pan-Atlantic University is a private accredited educational institution federally approved and established in 2002. The main areas of collaboration are in co-developing a blockchain textbook, provision of Web3 training programs, access to internships for students, and exploration of joint acedemic and community-building initiatives.

kodzilla·February 27, 2023·1 min read

EMURGO Africa, a regional venture arm of Cardano blockchain founding entity, EMURGO, has announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Pan-Atlantic University (“PAU”) to create and provide blockchain education content.

Exciting news! 🎉

EMURGO Africa has partnered with Pan-Atlantic University to drive innovation and create blockchain-based solutions for socio-economic growth in Africa.

Read More: https://t.co/I30k1098z1@pau_nigeria @PLPAfrica @CassavaNetwork

— Emurgo Africa (@EmurgoAfrica) February 24, 2023

The program is aimed at increasing blockchain development on the continent by taking advantage of the continent’s young population where more than 60% are below the age of 25, in addition to some of the highest rates of crypto adoption in the world.

Based in Lagos, Nigeria, Pan-Atlantic University is a private accredited educational institution federally approved and established in 2002. The main areas of collaboration are listed as follows.

  • Co-development of a blockchain technology textbook for students
  • Provision of blockchain and Web3 training programs to empower PAU students through EMURGO Africa and its partners
  • Access to blockchain internship, business mentorship, and professional networking opportunities with EMURGO Africa and its partners
  • Exploration of joint academic research and community-building initiatives

EMURGO Middle East & Africa co-CEO Shogo Ishida said:


“Since EMURGO Africa’s launch in 2021, we have been laying the groundwork to raise awareness of Cardano and its Web3 potential with key stakeholders, building a community of Web3 talent, and establishing a vibrant investment ecosystem for Web3 companies and traditional financial institutions to unite and support local founders in their quest to build socially impactful solutions that can solve existing challenges.” 

Besides EMURGO Africa, several other companies will be participating in the development of the listed initiatives including EMURGO’s sister organizations in the Cardano network such as AdaVerse.

Other participants include Cassava Network, an African Web3 platform focused on loyalty rewards and entertainment, and Power Learn Project, described as a Pan-African impact organization empowering youth through decentralized software development and smart technologies training.

Pan Atlantic University was represented by Dr. Pius Onobhayedo, its Head of the Computer and Information Systems Department, who said:

At PAU, we pay special attention to industry collaboration as we aspire to provide our students with cutting-edge industry-relevant knowledge, while at the same time furthering industry development through collaborative research. We look forward to a fruitful partnership with the Cardano blockchain ecosystem and related business organizations.


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The high cost and slow speeds when exchanging data on blockchains such as Ethereum and Bitcoin have led to several ‘Layer 2 Scaling solutions,’ which try to create a better environment for users to send and receive data.

According to Ethereum, Layer 2 is a collective term for solutions designed to help scale your application by handling transactions off the Ethereum Mainnet (Layer 1) while taking advantage of the robust decentralized security model of Mainnet. These solutions introduce lower fees and expand use cases for the blockchain while maintaining security.

Examples of layer 2 scaling solutions include:

3 of the above examples address the scalability of the Ethereum blockchain while the Lightning Network is a project to make bitcoin transactions fast and affordable for global use.

When you use a scaling solution, your transactions are processed on the much lighter layer 2s even though much of the functionality remains Ethereum or Bitcoin.

To get a clearer picture of how this works, we first need to look at the different layers of operations on the blockchain.

The blockchain can be divided into 5 layers as below:

  • Application layer
  • Execution layer
  • Consensus layer
  • Network layer
  • Data layer

Each layer has different functionality that supports the blockchain, for example, the consensus layer employs consensus algorithms such as Proof of Stake or Proof of Work to ensure data is consistent across all nodes.

The execution layer is where the smart contracts and other instructions execute. This layer is also referred to as the base layer. Instructions to be executed come from the application layer where various dApps that interact with the network’s smart contracts live.

Layer 2 is an additional execution layer that builds on top of the base layer, and we have several implementations for this. Key examples of layer 2 technologies include roll-ups, sidechains, and generalized layer 2s.

All user transaction activity on these layer 2 projects can ultimately settle back to the layer 1 blockchain.


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