W3C launches beta of its new website

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.w3.org/blog/2023/02/w3c-launches-beta-of-its-new-website/
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W3C launches beta of its new website

Today we launched a beta version of the redesign of our website.

The goals of the redesign are to achieve a cleaner and modern look and greater usability, better accessibility, as well as ultimately simplifying how the site is managed. We also want to offer integrated Japanese and Chinese versions, which we will roll out after the beta of the English site has concluded.

For several years, W3C has worked in close partnership with Studio 24 to redesign our website. This is, as many in our community know, an enormous undertaking and one which has been of great importance to us. You can read more from Studio 24’s blog post about our collaboration (“the journey!”) and process.

The scope of the redesign is limited to most of our public pages, but we will gradually work to include the rest of the site.

We invite your feedback on the beta site, on website or content issues, we’re using GitHub to manage comments.

My heartfelt thanks to the W3C Systems Team for its tremendous work for several years as well as to the many people in the WAI and i18n teams and to everyone so far and in the near future who’ve worked with Studio 24 and us on this project. We are grateful to Studio 24 for their incredible work, dedication and technical skills – our new site would not exist without them.

We’re not done, but we’ve reached a significant milestone!

Please let us know what you think.

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