How to efficiently use clist.by website?

 1 year ago
source link: https://codeforces.com/blog/entry/113323
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Many high rated users on codeforces have advised me to solve problems which are higher than my rating. https://clist.by/ has a great "luck' parameter. If the luck factor equals 50%, then it means the rating of the problem equals your rating. Which range should I set the luck parameter to when solving problems? (like from 40 to 50, 30 to 40 or something like that)


3 hours ago, # |

I'd probably say from 10% to 75% or something like that. Problem ratings don't mean much, but they're usually (not always!) a decent way to tell if a problem is way too easy or way too difficult for you. 10% to 75% seems to show similar rated problems for me compared to what I usually practice (1800 — 2300 for me).

And don't just choose the easiest problems here. Try to solve everything. If you can't solve some problem, you can move on to the next one. But make sure to come back and try to solve the unsolved problems again after some time (after a few days or even weeks). Don't look at the editorial after not solving a problem within 30 mins.

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