Extractify - Convert Youtube videos into Tweets and LinkedIn posts | Product Hun...

 1 year ago
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The makers of Extractify
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Hey Product Hunt community, I'm excited to share a tool I've been working on.

Background Problem:

We all know how time-consuming creating video content can be. If Youtube creators are making videos, it's extremely tough to consistently post content on other platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn.

On the other hand, there are many youtube creators who have a large audience on youtube but they may want to increase their audience on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Extractify solves both of these problems by allowing creators to generate content from their videos with a few clicks. This can save creators massive amounts of time while squeezing everything out of their efforts in video creation.

Hey congrats on the launch! I've always thought it would be great to have a product that can take video content and turn into blog or social media posts!

How did get the original idea? Also what are your next steps for Extractify?

@ed_forson Hi Eddit, thanks! I originally got the idea when I realized there are many Youtubers who have a large following on youtube but they are aiming to grow their audience on other platforms and they don't have a lot of time to dedicate to this goal so they hire contractors and agencies.

So I thought there should be tool to solve this problem.

My next steps for this project include:

1. Allowing users to connect their accounts and post their generated content directly from the site. 2. Giving users chance to rate the output. 3. Allowing users the ability to keep the parts of generated content they like while re-generating the content they'd like to improve.

👏 Congrats on launching on Product Hunt! 🎉 I'm curious, what are some of the features Extractify offers? 🤔 Also, it sounds like a really awesome time-saver. I mean who doesn't want to save time by doing less work? 🙃

@paolo_degiglio Hi Paolo! Thanks!

Main features of Extractify include:

1. Generating tweets from important moments in youtube videos. 2. Ability to generate complete twitter threads from youtube videos. 3. Ability to generate LinkedIn posts from videos. 4. Viewing previously generated content on the app dashboard.

Looks like a great idea! I often put a lot of work into one video and forget that there are a lot of ways to get more out of it, by sharing snippets on social, etc. Congrats on the launch!
@britt_joiner Hi, yes exactly. That was the goal for building this tool. Thanks for checking out my launch! :)

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