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lyshark 2022-10-13 13:31:03 博主文章分类:Windows 内核驱动开发 ©著作权

文章标签 edn 虚拟地址 3d 文章分类 C/C++ 编程语言 阅读数193

在上一篇文章《驱动开发:内核中实现Dump进程转储》中我们实现了ARK工具的转存功能,本篇文章继续以内存为出发点介绍VAD结构,该结构的全程是Virtual Address Descriptor虚拟地址描述符,VAD是一个AVL平衡二叉树,树的每一个节点代表一段虚拟地址空间。程序中的代码段,数据段,堆段都会各种占用一个或多个VAD节点,由一个MMVAD结构完整描述。



那么这个结构在哪?每一个进程都有自己单独的VAD结构树,这个结构通常在EPROCESS结构里面里面,在内核调试模式下使用dt _EPROCESS可得到如下信息。

lyshark.com 1: kd> dt _EPROCESS
   +0x500 Vm               : _MMSUPPORT_FULL
   +0x640 MmProcessLinks   : _LIST_ENTRY
   +0x650 ModifiedPageCount : Uint4B
   +0x654 ExitStatus       : Int4B
   +0x658 VadRoot          : _RTL_AVL_TREE
   +0x660 VadHint          : Ptr64 Void
   +0x668 VadCount         : Uint8B
   +0x670 VadPhysicalPages : Uint8B
   +0x678 VadPhysicalPagesLimit : Uint8B




lyshark.com 0: kd> dt _MMVAD
   +0x000 Core             : _MMVAD_SHORT
   +0x040 u2               : <anonymous-tag>
   +0x048 Subsection       : Ptr64 _SUBSECTION
   +0x050 FirstPrototypePte : Ptr64 _MMPTE
   +0x058 LastContiguousPte : Ptr64 _MMPTE
   +0x060 ViewLinks        : _LIST_ENTRY
   +0x070 VadsProcess      : Ptr64 _EPROCESS
   +0x078 u4               : <anonymous-tag>
   +0x080 FileObject       : Ptr64 _FILE_OBJECT



如上在EPROCESS结构中可以找到VAD结构的相对偏移+0x658以及进程VAD计数偏移+0x668,我们首先通过!process 0 0指令得到当前所有进程的EPROCESS结构,并选中进程。

lyshark.com 0: kd> !process 0 0
PROCESS ffffe28fbb0860c0
    SessionId: 1  Cid: 11a8    Peb: 0035c000  ParentCid: 11c8
    DirBase: 309f3002  ObjectTable: ffffac87ba3da580  HandleCount: 145.
    Image: x64.exe



当需要得到该进程的VAD结构时,只需要使用!vad ffffe28fbb0860c0 + 0x658来显示该进程的VAD树。


至于获取VAD有多少条,则可以直接使用!vad ffffe28fbb0860c0 + 0x668来获取到。



#pragma once
#include <ntifs.h>

typedef struct _MM_GRAPHICS_VAD_FLAGS        // 15 elements, 0x4 bytes (sizeof) 
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      Lock : 1;                   // 0 BitPosition                   
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      LockContended : 1;          // 1 BitPosition                   
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      DeleteInProgress : 1;       // 2 BitPosition                   
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      NoChange : 1;               // 3 BitPosition                   
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      VadType : 3;                // 4 BitPosition                   
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      Protection : 5;             // 7 BitPosition                   
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      PreferredNode : 6;          // 12 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      PageSize : 2;               // 18 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      PrivateMemoryAlwaysSet : 1; // 20 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      WriteWatch : 1;             // 21 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      FixedLargePageSize : 1;     // 22 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      ZeroFillPagesOptional : 1;  // 23 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      GraphicsAlwaysSet : 1;      // 24 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      GraphicsUseCoherentBus : 1; // 25 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      GraphicsPageProtection : 3; // 26 BitPosition                  
typedef struct _MM_PRIVATE_VAD_FLAGS         // 15 elements, 0x4 bytes (sizeof) 
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      Lock : 1;                   // 0 BitPosition                   
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      LockContended : 1;          // 1 BitPosition                   
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      DeleteInProgress : 1;       // 2 BitPosition                   
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      NoChange : 1;               // 3 BitPosition                   
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      VadType : 3;                // 4 BitPosition                   
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      Protection : 5;             // 7 BitPosition                   
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      PreferredNode : 6;          // 12 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      PageSize : 2;               // 18 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      PrivateMemoryAlwaysSet : 1; // 20 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      WriteWatch : 1;             // 21 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      FixedLargePageSize : 1;     // 22 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      ZeroFillPagesOptional : 1;  // 23 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      Graphics : 1;               // 24 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      Enclave : 1;                // 25 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      ShadowStack : 1;            // 26 BitPosition                  

typedef struct _MMVAD_FLAGS            // 9 elements, 0x4 bytes (sizeof) 
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      Lock : 1;             // 0 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      LockContended : 1;    // 1 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      DeleteInProgress : 1; // 2 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      NoChange : 1;         // 3 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      VadType : 3;          // 4 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      Protection : 5;       // 7 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      PreferredNode : 6;    // 12 BitPosition                 
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      PageSize : 2;         // 18 BitPosition                 
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      PrivateMemory : 1;    // 20 BitPosition                 

typedef struct _MM_SHARED_VAD_FLAGS            // 11 elements, 0x4 bytes (sizeof) 
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      Lock : 1;                     // 0 BitPosition                   
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      LockContended : 1;            // 1 BitPosition                   
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      DeleteInProgress : 1;         // 2 BitPosition                   
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      NoChange : 1;                 // 3 BitPosition                   
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      VadType : 3;                  // 4 BitPosition                   
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      Protection : 5;               // 7 BitPosition                   
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      PreferredNode : 6;            // 12 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      PageSize : 2;                 // 18 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      PrivateMemoryAlwaysClear : 1; // 20 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      PrivateFixup : 1;             // 21 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      HotPatchAllowed : 1;          // 22 BitPosition                  

typedef struct _MMVAD_FLAGS2             // 7 elements, 0x4 bytes (sizeof) 
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      FileOffset : 24;        // 0 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      Large : 1;              // 24 BitPosition                 
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      TrimBehind : 1;         // 25 BitPosition                 
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      Inherit : 1;            // 26 BitPosition                 
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      NoValidationNeeded : 1; // 27 BitPosition                 
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      PrivateDemandZero : 1;  // 28 BitPosition                 
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      Spare : 3;              // 29 BitPosition                 

typedef struct _MMVAD_SHORT
	UINT32 StartingVpn;               /*0x18*/
	UINT32 EndingVpn;                 /*0x01C*/
	UCHAR StartingVpnHigh;
	UCHAR EndingVpnHigh;
	UCHAR CommitChargeHigh;
	UCHAR SpareNT64VadUChar;
	INT32 ReferenceCount;
	EX_PUSH_LOCK PushLock;            /*0x028*/
			ULONG_PTR flag;
			MM_PRIVATE_VAD_FLAGS PrivateVadFlags;                        /*0x030*/
			MMVAD_FLAGS  VadFlags;
			MM_GRAPHICS_VAD_FLAGS GraphicsVadFlags;
			MM_SHARED_VAD_FLAGS   SharedVadFlags;


	PVOID EventList;                        /*0x038*/


typedef struct _MMADDRESS_NODE
	ULONG64 u1;
	struct _MMADDRESS_NODE* LeftChild;
	struct _MMADDRESS_NODE* RightChild;
	ULONG64 StartingVpn;
	ULONG64 EndingVpn;

typedef struct _MMEXTEND_INFO     // 2 elements, 0x10 bytes (sizeof) 
	/*0x000*/     UINT64       CommittedSize;
	/*0x008*/     ULONG32      ReferenceCount;
	/*0x00C*/     UINT8        _PADDING0_[0x4];
struct _SEGMENT
	struct _CONTROL_AREA* ControlArea;
	ULONG TotalNumberOfPtes;
	ULONG SegmentFlags;
	ULONG64 NumberOfCommittedPages;
	ULONG64 SizeOfSegment;
		struct _MMEXTEND_INFO* ExtendInfo;
		void* BasedAddress;
	ULONG64 SegmentLock;
	ULONG64 u1;
	ULONG64 u2;
	PVOID* PrototypePte;
	ULONGLONG ThePtes[0x1];

typedef struct _EX_FAST_REF
		PVOID Object;
		ULONG_PTR RefCnt : 3;
		ULONG_PTR Value;

typedef struct _CONTROL_AREA                      // 17 elements, 0x80 bytes (sizeof) 
	/*0x000*/     struct _SEGMENT* Segment;
	union                                         // 2 elements, 0x10 bytes (sizeof)  
		/*0x008*/         struct _LIST_ENTRY ListHead;              // 2 elements, 0x10 bytes (sizeof)  
		/*0x008*/         VOID*        AweContext;
	/*0x018*/     UINT64       NumberOfSectionReferences;
	/*0x020*/     UINT64       NumberOfPfnReferences;
	/*0x028*/     UINT64       NumberOfMappedViews;
	/*0x030*/     UINT64       NumberOfUserReferences;
	/*0x038*/     ULONG32 u;                     // 2 elements, 0x4 bytes (sizeof)   
	/*0x03C*/     ULONG32 u1;                    // 2 elements, 0x4 bytes (sizeof)   
	/*0x040*/     struct _EX_FAST_REF FilePointer;              // 3 elements, 0x8 bytes (sizeof)   
	// 4 elements, 0x8 bytes (sizeof)   

typedef struct _SUBSECTION_
	struct _CONTROL_AREA* ControlArea;


typedef struct _MMVAD
	union                 /*0x040*/
		UINT32 LongFlags2;
		MMVAD_FLAGS2 VadFlags2;

	PSUBSECTION Subsection;               /*0x048*/
	PVOID FirstPrototypePte;        /*0x050*/
	PVOID LastContiguousPte;        /*0x058*/
	LIST_ENTRY ViewLinks;           /*0x060*/
	PEPROCESS VadsProcess;          /*0x070*/
	PVOID u4;                       /*0x078*/
	PVOID FileObject;               /*0x080*/

typedef struct _RTL_AVL_TREE         // 1 elements, 0x8 bytes (sizeof) 
	/*0x000*/     struct _RTL_BALANCED_NODE* Root;

typedef struct _VAD_INFO_
	ULONG_PTR startVpn;
	ULONG_PTR endVpn;
	ULONG_PTR pFileObject;
	ULONG_PTR flags;

typedef struct _ALL_VADS_
	ULONG nCnt;
	VAD_INFO VadInfos[1];

typedef struct _MMSECTION_FLAGS                        // 27 elements, 0x4 bytes (sizeof) 
	/*0x000*/     UINT32       BeingDeleted : 1;                     // 0 BitPosition                   
	/*0x000*/     UINT32       BeingCreated : 1;                     // 1 BitPosition                   
	/*0x000*/     UINT32       BeingPurged : 1;                      // 2 BitPosition                   
	/*0x000*/     UINT32       NoModifiedWriting : 1;                // 3 BitPosition                   
	/*0x000*/     UINT32       FailAllIo : 1;                        // 4 BitPosition                   
	/*0x000*/     UINT32       Image : 1;                            // 5 BitPosition                   
	/*0x000*/     UINT32       Based : 1;                            // 6 BitPosition                   
	/*0x000*/     UINT32       File : 1;                             // 7 BitPosition                   
	/*0x000*/     UINT32       AttemptingDelete : 1;                 // 8 BitPosition                   
	/*0x000*/     UINT32       PrefetchCreated : 1;                  // 9 BitPosition                   
	/*0x000*/     UINT32       PhysicalMemory : 1;                   // 10 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     UINT32       ImageControlAreaOnRemovableMedia : 1; // 11 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     UINT32       Reserve : 1;                          // 12 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     UINT32       Commit : 1;                           // 13 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     UINT32       NoChange : 1;                         // 14 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     UINT32       WasPurged : 1;                        // 15 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     UINT32       UserReference : 1;                    // 16 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     UINT32       GlobalMemory : 1;                     // 17 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     UINT32       DeleteOnClose : 1;                    // 18 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     UINT32       FilePointerNull : 1;                  // 19 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     ULONG32      PreferredNode : 6;                    // 20 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     UINT32       GlobalOnlyPerSession : 1;             // 26 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     UINT32       UserWritable : 1;                     // 27 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     UINT32       SystemVaAllocated : 1;                // 28 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     UINT32       PreferredFsCompressionBoundary : 1;   // 29 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     UINT32       UsingFileExtents : 1;                 // 30 BitPosition                  
	/*0x000*/     UINT32       PageSize64K : 1;                      // 31 BitPosition                  

typedef struct _SECTION                          // 9 elements, 0x40 bytes (sizeof) 
	/*0x000*/     struct _RTL_BALANCED_NODE SectionNode;       // 6 elements, 0x18 bytes (sizeof) 
	/*0x018*/     UINT64       StartingVpn;
	/*0x020*/     UINT64       EndingVpn;
	/*0x028*/     union {
		PCONTROL_AREA   ControlArea;
		PVOID   FileObject;

	}u1;                   // 4 elements, 0x8 bytes (sizeof)  
	/*0x030*/     UINT64       SizeOfSection;
	/*0x038*/     union {
		ULONG32 LongFlags;
	}u;                    // 2 elements, 0x4 bytes (sizeof)  
	struct                                       // 3 elements, 0x4 bytes (sizeof)  
		/*0x03C*/         ULONG32      InitialPageProtection : 12; // 0 BitPosition                   
		/*0x03C*/         ULONG32      SessionId : 19;             // 12 BitPosition                  
		/*0x03C*/         ULONG32      NoValidationNeeded : 1;     // 31 BitPosition                  

引入vad.h头文件,并写入如下代码,此处的eprocess_offset_VadRoot以及eprocess_offset_VadCount 则是上方得出的相对于EPROCESS结构的偏移值,每个系统都不一样,版本不同偏移值会不同。

#include "vad.h"
#include <ntifs.h>

// 定义VAD相对于EProcess头部偏移值
#define eprocess_offset_VadRoot 0x658
#define eprocess_offset_VadCount 0x668

VOID EnumVad(PMMVAD Root, PALL_VADS pBuffer, ULONG nCnt)
	if (!Root || !pBuffer || !nCnt)

		if (nCnt > pBuffer->nCnt)
			// 得到起始页与结束页
			ULONG64 endptr = (ULONG64)Root->Core.EndingVpnHigh;
			endptr = endptr << 32;

			ULONG64 startptr = (ULONG64)Root->Core.StartingVpnHigh;
			startptr = startptr << 32;

			// 得到根节点
			pBuffer->VadInfos[pBuffer->nCnt].pVad = (ULONG_PTR)Root;

			// 起始页: startingVpn * 0x1000
			pBuffer->VadInfos[pBuffer->nCnt].startVpn = (startptr | Root->Core.StartingVpn) << PAGE_SHIFT;

			// 结束页: EndVpn * 0x1000 + 0xfff
			pBuffer->VadInfos[pBuffer->nCnt].endVpn = ((endptr | Root->Core.EndingVpn) << PAGE_SHIFT) + 0xfff;

			// VAD标志 928 = Mapped    1049088 = Private   ....
			pBuffer->VadInfos[pBuffer->nCnt].flags = Root->Core.u1.Flags.flag;

			// 验证节点可读性
			if (MmIsAddressValid(Root->Subsection) && MmIsAddressValid(Root->Subsection->ControlArea))
				if (MmIsAddressValid((PVOID)((Root->Subsection->ControlArea->FilePointer.Value >> 4) << 4)))
					pBuffer->VadInfos[pBuffer->nCnt].pFileObject = ((Root->Subsection->ControlArea->FilePointer.Value >> 4) << 4);

		if (MmIsAddressValid(Root->Core.VadNode.Left))
			// 递归枚举左子树
			EnumVad((PMMVAD)Root->Core.VadNode.Left, pBuffer, nCnt);

		if (MmIsAddressValid(Root->Core.VadNode.Right))
			// 递归枚举右子树
			EnumVad((PMMVAD)Root->Core.VadNode.Right, pBuffer, nCnt);
	__except (1)

BOOLEAN EnumProcessVad(ULONG Pid, PALL_VADS pBuffer, ULONG nCnt)
	PEPROCESS Peprocess = 0;

	// 通过进程PID得到进程EProcess
	if (NT_SUCCESS(PsLookupProcessByProcessId((HANDLE)Pid, &Peprocess)))
		// 与偏移相加得到VAD头节点
		Table = (PRTL_AVL_TREE)((UCHAR*)Peprocess + eprocess_offset_VadRoot);
		if (!MmIsAddressValid(Table) || !eprocess_offset_VadRoot)
			return FALSE;

			// 取出头节点
			Root = (PMMVAD)Table->Root;

			if (nCnt > pBuffer->nCnt)
				// 得到起始页与结束页
				ULONG64 endptr = (ULONG64)Root->Core.EndingVpnHigh;
				endptr = endptr << 32;

				ULONG64 startptr = (ULONG64)Root->Core.StartingVpnHigh;
				startptr = startptr << 32;

				pBuffer->VadInfos[pBuffer->nCnt].pVad = (ULONG_PTR)Root;

				// 起始页: startingVpn * 0x1000
				pBuffer->VadInfos[pBuffer->nCnt].startVpn = (startptr | Root->Core.StartingVpn) << PAGE_SHIFT;

				// 结束页: EndVpn * 0x1000 + 0xfff
				pBuffer->VadInfos[pBuffer->nCnt].endVpn = (endptr | Root->Core.EndingVpn) << PAGE_SHIFT;
				pBuffer->VadInfos[pBuffer->nCnt].flags = Root->Core.u1.Flags.flag;

				if (MmIsAddressValid(Root->Subsection) && MmIsAddressValid(Root->Subsection->ControlArea))
					if (MmIsAddressValid((PVOID)((Root->Subsection->ControlArea->FilePointer.Value >> 4) << 4)))
						pBuffer->VadInfos[pBuffer->nCnt].pFileObject = ((Root->Subsection->ControlArea->FilePointer.Value >> 4) << 4);

			// 枚举左子树
			if (Table->Root->Left)
				EnumVad((MMVAD*)Table->Root->Left, pBuffer, nCnt);

			// 枚举右子树
			if (Table->Root->Right)
				EnumVad((MMVAD*)Table->Root->Right, pBuffer, nCnt);
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

	DbgPrint(("Uninstall Driver Is OK \n"));

	DbgPrint(("hello lyshark \n"));

	typedef struct
		ULONG nPid;
		ULONG nSize;
		PALL_VADS pBuffer;

		VADProcess vad = { 0 };

		vad.nPid = 4520;

		// 默认有1000个线程
		vad.nSize = sizeof(VAD_INFO) * 0x5000 + sizeof(ULONG);

		// 分配临时空间
		vad.pBuffer = (PALL_VADS)ExAllocatePool(PagedPool, vad.nSize);

		// 根据传入长度得到枚举数量
		ULONG nCount = (vad.nSize - sizeof(ULONG)) / sizeof(VAD_INFO);

		// 枚举VAD
		EnumProcessVad(vad.nPid, vad.pBuffer, nCount);

		// 输出VAD
		for (size_t i = 0; i < vad.pBuffer->nCnt; i++)
			DbgPrint("StartVPN = %p | ", vad.pBuffer->VadInfos[i].startVpn);
			DbgPrint("EndVPN = %p | ", vad.pBuffer->VadInfos[i].endVpn);
			DbgPrint("PVAD = %p | ", vad.pBuffer->VadInfos[i].pVad);
			DbgPrint("Flags = %d | ", vad.pBuffer->VadInfos[i].flags);
			DbgPrint("pFileObject = %p \n", vad.pBuffer->VadInfos[i].pFileObject);
	__except (1)

	Driver->DriverUnload = UnDriver;



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