SAC Hyperlink doesn't work with bw live connection and universal display hierarc...

 1 year ago
source link: https://answers.sap.com/questions/13737138/sac-hyperlink-doesnt-work-with-bw-live-connection.html
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1 hour ago

SAC Hyperlink doesn't work with bw live connection and universal display hierarchy

24 Views Last edit 48 minutes ago 2 rev

Hi All,

We have a problem in SAC using a table connected to a BW live query with universal display hierarchy.

The query has a universal display hierarchy option active on general tab.


Inside SAC we have setup a very simple table using 1 measure and all the 3 dimensions from the query.


Adding a dynamic hyperlink like this one


doesn't wok :


it works only with static hyperlink or without the universal display hierarchy.

Does anyone have the same issue?

best regards


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