Fortem anti-UAV tech upgrade handles drones battering Ukraine

 1 year ago
source link: https://dronedj.com/2022/10/12/fortem-anti-uav-ukraine/
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Fortem anti-UAV tech upgrade can neutralize larger drones now battering Ukraine cities

Fortem anti-UAV Ukraine

Ukraine officials aghast at Moscow’s merciless aerial attacks on the nation’s cities and civilian targets take note: US airspace security and protection specialist Fortem Technologies has upgraded its DroneHunter F700 anti-UAV system to more effectively defeat even larger and faster Group 3 craft like Russian Orlan-10s and Iranian Shahed-136s.

News of Fortem enhancing its anti-UAV system is potentially good news for Ukraine defenders, who since Monday have been scrambling to pick off as many incoming attack UAVs as possible. Those are being unleashed by Moscow as retaliatory strikes on Kyiv and other cities following the bombing of the only bridge linking Russia and occupied Crimea. 

Improvements to Fortem’s DroneHunter F700 might make it a welcome addition to Ukraine anti-UAV assets by increasing the platform’s capacity to neutralize dangerous drones in flight – including lower-range Group 3 craft like the Iranian Shahed-136 kamikaze craft Russia began using last month.

Fortem says its anti-UAV solution has achieved over 85% effectiveness in simulated defense against hostile drones of various sizes – and it represents another company product ideal for deployment in Ukraine.

ReadFortem develops portable anti-drone tech for Ukraine defense 

The DroneHunter F700 fires the onboard DrogueNet to ensnare invasive or malevolent craft. Those can either be flown back to operators, or, if too heavy, brought to the ground for capture using a tethered parachute. 

The system’s dual firing capacity allows it to take out up to two enemy UAVs during the same flight – or use the second net to nail a craft that evaded the first one. Once back at the base, the counter-drone drone is designed to be reloaded and redeployed in under three minutes.

The platform also sports upgraded sensors assuring enhanced situational awareness to operators, and expanded data flows about hostile craft – including type, whether a capture was successful, and the weight of netted UAVs. Also improved are DroneHunter’s loiter capabilities, which use radar to sense, adapt, and react more quickly while in flight.

While Fortem’s improved DroneHunter F700 anti-UAV system would be an ideal addition to Ukraine defense gear, the company’s primary market is made up of US defense companies and other clients needing to cope with rising and increasingly sophisticated aerial threats.

“At Fortem, we want to provide our customers with the best technology available as it continues to evolve,” said Timothy Bean, president of Fortem Technologies. “We’re always looking for ways to improve our already successful DroneHunter, and this update is one we’re really proud of. We are always working to defeat dangerous drones of increasing speed, size, and number, and these upgrades are a huge step in that direction.”

Ukraine defenders – and their asset-donating supporters abroad – might well heed that message, and put Fortem’s anti-UAV tool to work against Russia’s ongoing drone assaults.

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