Trump Thought He'd Be Assassinated After Authorizing Soleimani Strike: Book

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source link: https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-thought-hed-be-assassinated-after-authorizing-soleimani-strike-book-2022-9
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Trump thought he'd be assassinated after he authorized the deadly drone strike that killed top Iranian leader Qassem Soleimani: book

39 minutes ago
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A composite image of US President Donald Trump and Iranian military commander Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani. Leah Millis/Reuters; Office of the Iranian Supreme Leader via AP

  • Trump worried that he'd be assassinated by the Iranian government for authorizing a strike that killed the Iranian military commander.
  • Trump told several of his Florida friends about his fears at a cocktail party, two journalists wrote in an upcoming book.
  • In public, though, Trump bragged about the strike, saying he took out a "noted terrorist."
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Former President Donald Trump privately worried that he'd be assassinated by Iran after authorizing the drone strike on Iranian military commander Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, according to a new book.

Trump told several confidantes about his fear, according to a report from The Guardian, which obtained an advance copy of the forthcoming book "The Divider" by journalists Susan Glasser and Peter Baker.

"At a cocktail party, Trump told several of his Florida friends he was afraid Iran would try to assassinate him, so he had to go back to Washington where he would be safer," Glasser and Baker wrote in their book.

In public, though, Trump talked up the drone strike to Republican donors in Florida, recounting the minutes that led up to the deadly event. 

Soleimani, the former commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Quds Force, was killed early in the morning in January 2020 in Baghdad, Iraq.

He told them he "shook up the world" and took out a "noted terrorist" who had been "down on our list" of enemies, as Insider's Eliza Relman reported.

The strike, however, soured relations between the US and Iraq and led the Iranians to retaliate with a missile attack on US and coalition forces. And, as tensions skyrocketed, a Ukrainian passenger jet was shot down, killing all 176 people on board. US officials believe Iran was responsible, but the government denied responsibility.  

Previous administrations opted against killing Soleimani over concerns it would endanger more Americans and civilians by creating greater unrest in the region.

Following the strike, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of Iran, made a promise of more vengeance to come. 

"Those who ordered the murder of General Suleimani as well as those who carried this out should be punished," he tweeted. "This revenge will certainly happen at the right time."

—Khamenei.ir (@khamenei_ir) December 16, 2020

Insider's Ryan Pickrell contributed to this report.

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