CONCENTO RDG – Single Value Derivation Rule ( String Concatenation & Arithme...

 1 year ago
source link: https://blogs.sap.com/2022/09/18/concento-rdg-single-value-derivation-rule-string-concatenation-arithmetic-operation-in-brf/
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CONCENTO RDG – Single Value Derivation Rule ( String Concatenation & Arithmetic Operation ) in BRF+

Concento™ Rapid Data Governance (RDG) is an SAP UI5 Cloud based application which performs the MDG activities .This dominant user interface helps the business users to create and maintain the derivation rules in BRF Plus without executing the legacy Process.

This blog post is a part of series which covers different key capabilities provided by Concento RDG.

To create rules in BRF+, the user have to perform the below mentioned steps.

  1. Select the relevant catalog to define the rule ( FMDM_MODEL_<DATA_MODEL> ).
  2. Create a Function.
  3. Add context parameters to the created function.
  4. Create Ruleset.
  5. Create Rule.
  6. Define the Condition for which the rule is triggered.
  7. Define the action when the condition is met.

Concento RDG facilitates the process of deriving rules by automating all the configuration steps. User has to give only the conditions and action item which is defined on that condition.

The below example will guide you to create Single value Derivation Rule ( String Concatenation & Arithmetic Operation ) on RDG Screen.

Step 1 : Log on to the RDG Screen. Click on “Manage Business Rules” tile in the main menu.


Figure 1 : RDG Initial Screen

  • After entering into the “Manage Business Rules” Screen, Select the change request type from the dropdown. Select the entity for which the rule has to be created and then select the type of business rule that user have to create.

Figure 2 : Manage Business Rules

  • Derivation Rue for String Concatenation :

For our scenario, we will take BP_CENTRL as our entity for BP Data Model.

Derivation Rule : If BP_CENTRL-NAME_ORG1 = “SYNITI”  and BP_CENTRL-NAME_ORG2 = “HYDERABAD” then Search term should derive the concatenation operation of NAME_ORG1 and NAME_ORG2.


Figure 3 : Formula Table for String concatenation



Figure 4 : String Concatenation Rule in RDG

  • Derivation Rule for Arithmetic Operation :

Here we consider MATERIAL ( Basic Data ) as our entity for MM Data Model.

Derivation Rule : If MATERIAL-BISMT ( Old Material Number ) = “00001” or MATERIAL-BISMT = “00005” then VOLEHMARA ( Volume Unit ) should derive the value which is the multiplication operation of Length*Width*Breadth.


Figure 5 : Formula Table for Arithmetic Expression



Figure 6 : Arithmetic Rule in RDG

Step 2 : Triggering the rules on NWBC Screen.

The rules that we are created on RDG will get triggered for the relevant change request type.

  • Derivation Rule for String Concatenation :

Figure 7 : Deriving Search term in NWBC Screen

  • Derivation Rule for Arithmetic Operation :

Figure 8 : Deriving Volume in NWBC Screen

Below screenshots  will refer to the rules that got automatically generated in BRF+ under FMDM_MODEL_BP and FMDM_MODEL_MM catalog’s after creating the rules on Concento RDG for relevant change request type.

  • String Concatenation Rule in BRF+ : 



Figure 9 : Condition for String Concatenation Rule in BRF+



Figure 10 : Action for String Concatenation Rule in BRF+

  • Arithmetic Operation Rule in BRF+ :



Figure 11 : Condition for Arithmetic Operation in BRF+



Figure 12 : Action for Arithmetic Operation in BRF+

With the help of Concento RDG users without having any technical knowledge can create rules in BRF Plus.

Concento RDG  is  a certified SAP BTP solution and is available on SAP App Store. To know more details about the Product, Please check the blog Partner Add-on Solution.

Your Ideas and feedback about the Product are highly valued. Please , feel free to post your comments below.

Please also check out other features of Concento RDG from blogs:

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