'Bite-sized' TikTok draws a Gen Z tired of Google. But misinformation remains ri...

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'Bite-sized' TikTok draws a Gen Z tired of Google. But misinformation remains rife.

Bailey Schulz and Jessica Guynn, USA TODAY
Sun, September 18, 2022, 11:55 PM·6 min read

When Ashley Storino wants a new pair of black boots or book recommendations, she knows what gets results – and it isn’t Google.

No blue links for this 22-year-old digital marketer. Rather than wade through pages of search results, she opens TikTok instead, quickly scans video after video and checks the comments to make sure she can trust the content. Only when she knows precisely what she’s looking for does she turn to Google first.

“Let’s say I want to find the best mascara. Before I used to look it up on Google and those results would feature articles and blogs with top 10 lists or top lists. As someone who has worked in marketing and PR, I know a lot of these lists are often, if not always, influenced by outside parties or brands trying to get products in an article,” Storino said.

“Now I turn to TikTok to get honest reviews from real people. I can look up a brand of mascara or 'best mascara' and there are all of these people who have done reviews and can speak to the product. It’s much more relatable and you know who’s telling you the information. And then you can go into the comments section and see if the same information is reinforced.”

Twenty-two-year-old digital marketer Ashley Storino says she likes to search on TikTok. Only when she knows precisely what she’s looking for does she turn to Google first.
Twenty-two-year-old digital marketer Ashley Storino says she likes to search on TikTok. Only when she knows precisely what she’s looking for does she turn to Google first.

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Is Tiktok becoming the new Google?

A growing number of young people are using the short-form video app better known for dance moves and viral hijinks the way others use Google, to find a new lunch spot or a film to watch, plan a weekend getaway or update their wardrobe.

They also rely on TikTok for questions that used to be Google's bread-and-butter such as health tips or a skin care regimen.

“Consumers are switching to social media, specifically TikTok, because it feels more authentic,” said Jenna Drenten, associate professor of marketing at Loyola University Chicago. “Google feels incredibly overwhelming in today’s internet economy. It’s just inundated with content.”

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