How to fix "gitignore not working" issue

 1 year ago
source link: https://gist.github.com/pavankjadda/2bb6fbdd8786e1f57fd7bcbcc666b51d
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How to fix ".gitignore not working" issue?

Sometimes git does not exclude files/folders added .gitignore especially if you had commited them before. Here is how to fix it. I am ignoring node_modules from Angular project as an example

  1. Update .gitignore with the folder/file name you want to ignore. You can use anyone of the formats mentioned below (prefer format1)
### Format1  ###

### Format2  ###

  1. Commit all the changes to git. Exclude the folder/files you don't want commit, in my case node_modules
  2. Execute the following command to clear the cache
git rm -r --cached .
  1. Execute git status command and it should output node_modules and sub directories marked for deletion
  2. Now execute
git add .
git commit -m "fixed untracked files" 
  1. That's it. Comment if you any questions.

Update: Windows users make sure your .gitignore uses UTF-8 rather than UTF-16. See comment for details

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