A new Linux handheld game console based on powerful ODROID-N2+

 1 year ago
source link: https://forum.odroid.com/viewtopic.php?t=45143
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A new Linux handheld game console based on powerful ODROID-N2+

Post by odroid » Thu Aug 25, 2022 1:46 pm

In 2018, we announced the ODROID-Go to celebrate our 10th birthday. We later announced the ODROID-Go Advance (OGA) in 2019 followed by the ODROID-Go Super (OGS) in 2020.
Almost two years have passed, and we are excited to announce a new gaming focused development platform: ODROID-Go Ultra (OGU).

OGU's exterior and LCD size are the same as OGS, but the internal core components have been completely redesigned.
The overall system design was based on our powerful ODROID-N2+.

Let’s look into the system block diagram.
The CPU was changed from RK3326 with 1.3Ghz Quad-core ARM Cortex-A35 to S922X with 2.2Ghz Hexa-core ARM Cortex-A73/53.
The DRAM was changed from 1GB DDR3 1536Mbps to 2GB LPDDR4x 3216Mbps.
The GPU was changed from Mali G31 2xEE to Mali G52 6xEE.
Therefore, the overall actual perceived performance improvement is more than doubled.
Note that LPDDR4x memory bandwidth is almost 1.2 times faster than the ODROID-N2+ DDR4 memory bandwidth providing better 2D/3D rendering performance.
Thanks to the onboard(soldered) 16GB eMMC storage, the booting time is much faster, and the root file system is more robust than a microSD card.

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Screenshot from 2022-08-25 09-09-15.png
Screenshot from 2022-08-25 09-09-15.png (164.79 KiB) Viewed 31604 times

The OGU PCB shape is identical to the OGS, but it has a totally different circuit design and requires a heatsink to cool down its more powerful CPU.

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GoUltraBoardassmA.jpg (104.87 KiB) Viewed 31606 times

Due to the dual PMIC architecture, the charging time is very slow when the battery is fully discharged. Therefore, a specially designed USB charging cable is provided with the device for faster charging. Connecting both the type-C plug and Type-A plug to the OGU ports maximizes the charging rate.

USBdualcable.jpg (56.12 KiB) Viewed 31606 times

At this moment, the reference Ubuntu 20.04.4 BSP image supports the following systems(cores).
* atari2600
* atari5200
* atari7800
* atarilynx
* gamegear
* gb
* gba
* gbc
* mastersystem
* megadrive
* nes
* pcengine
* pcenginecd
* psx
* segacd
* snes
* psp
* mame2003
* n64
* dreamcast
* gamecube

We will start selling and shipping the ODROID-Go Ultra in early October 2022 at a price of $111.
We will also ship several free pre-production samples to community OS or system software developers in addition to the reference OS image testers early next week.
The reference OS image testers will be expected to provide feedback of pros and cons on our forum for a few months at least to improve the image.

There are two color options Dim Grey and Clear White as the previous model.

GoUltraGrayA.jpg (64.62 KiB) Viewed 31606 times
GoUltraClearA.jpg (82.36 KiB) Viewed 31606 times

We will open new WiKi pages to share more information about the kernel, uboot, and reference OS image followed by some how-to instructions when we ship the samples.
We wish you happy gaming and enjoyable development.

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