How to Build the Good and Responsible Thing

 1 year ago
source link: https://axbom.com/frontzurich/
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digital ethics

How to build the good and responsible thing @ #frontzurich

Per Axbom's keynote at Front Conference in Zürich, Switzerland. Presented on August 26, 2022.

Per Axbom

Aug 26, 2022 • 2 min read
Per Axbom speaking on stage at Front Conference
My keynote at Front Conference in Zürich, Switzerland. Presented on August 26, 2022 at 09:20am. Title: How to Build the Good and Responsible Thing

I've been truly excited for this on-location(!) opportunity to share my thoughts on digital ethics and our responsibility as digital makers, why we build the wrong thing and some practical ways of going about building the right thing.

Here you will find all my slides and reference links for the talk, in case you want to share with others and if you want to dig deeper.



Audience photos


Photo by Roland Sailer


Photo by Mario Kaufmann


Photo by Snowflake

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